Saturday, October 31, 2009

If O blood type is the universal donor, can any blood type donate to someone with O blood?

Or does it only work one way? In an emergency, I mean. Obviously, it's not the ideal situation.Thanks!
NoThe way the ABO blood grouping works for receiving red cell transfusions.Type A can receive A or O
Type B can receive B or O
Type AB can receive A, B or O
Type O can take O onlyAs far as Rh factorsPos can take Pos or Neg
Neg can take Neg onlyHence, if you are O neg you can only receive O NegIt may seem unfair to the O group, but there are more of them so it kind of equals out.Blood transfusion reactions are due to the antigen / antibody immune response in the body. The ABO response is much deadlier because the antibodies are already present in the blood and will destroy the transfused blood immediately. Rh reactions occur over time because normally the body must produce the antibody to the Rh antigen.
No. An O recipient has to receive type O. Any type can be given to type AB in an emergency.
It only works one way for type O's. They can donate to anyone, but can only receive their own type. Type AB's can receive any other type safely.
There is the rheus factor to consider - the + or -
O blood is a univeral giver. They are not the univeral takers. THe universal taker is AB blood. They can only receive blood from another person with O blood. Think of them as a non profit organization.
I think you still have to have your type of blood ,even if it is the O type
No. O type can be donated to any other type- it doesn't work the other way.
NO. O blood persons can only receive O blood
No, O can only accept O, otherwhise you will get a severe allergic reaction.
O blood has no additional elements, like A or B in it therefore you can not use anything except O with the same RH factor.The universal recipient is a person with an AB blood type.
They can receive A, B, AB, or O if the RH factor is matched.
only type O aswell
O type is th universal giver AB type is the universal taker.
but there are many sets different than O-A-B-AB set.For example the Rhesus set we say "O rh+" which means the blood contains rhesus proteins. There some more rules about this. more types of proteins and stuff..but in an emergency AB rh+ is the universal taker and O rh- is the universal giver.
DO NOT give O blood to AB person even in emergency, he would %99 die.
It's a one way street. O neg may be distributed to people with other blood types, but type AB (for example) cannot be used on someone with type O.
O negative blood is the only type that can be given to anyone O positive can't, and AB types can only accept O depending on thier positive or negative factors. and a woman woth O- blood can have a baby with another type of blood. ie: A+Blood type AB+ can recieve blood from o-/o+/A-/A+/B-/B+/AB-/AB+
Blood type AB- can recieve blood from O-/A-/B-/AB-
blood type A+ can recieve O-/O+/A-/A+
Blood type A- can recieve O-/A-
blood type B+ can recieve O-/O+/B-/B+
blood type B- can recieve O-/B-
blood type O+ can recieve O+/O-
Blood type O- can recieve O-
No not really. AB+ is the universal receiver. My husband has the universal receiver blood type and I am type O+ the universal donor. Actually if you receive the wrong blood type it can send you into anaphylactic shock.

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