Sunday, October 25, 2009

I would like to know why it is that when i drink "RED BULL" or anyother energy drink - i fall asleep?

My husband %26 I have tried this with every energy drink %26 about 30minutes after i drink it - im fast asleep in a deep, deep sleep. Can anyone help shed some light on this? I cant find anything on the net?Thanks guys :O)
It's called idiosyncrasy. The definition is an individual hypersensitiveness to a food or drug. Most of those energy drinks have caffeine in them and it is most likely the caffeine that you are hypersensitive to. It's the same thing with people who get hyper when the take benadryl. It's nothing to worry about, however I would go to like a health food store and ask about something all natural.
the caffiene loaded in it makes you crash shortly afterwards.
My boyfriend has this problem because of the high amount of caffeine. He has ADHD and this contributed to it. Apparently ADHD makes the body sleep and very relaxed with caffeine. Maybe this could be it??
It's got dope in it . . . NO BULL . . .
I wonder if you have ADD or ADHD. When you do, your body reacts differently to stimulants. Like how children with ADHD are basically given a form of speed and it calms them down. (My son has it, so do my husband and I) When I drink caffeine, it calms me down. I tried a Jolt back in the day and while my friends were bouncing off the walls, I was ready for a snooze.You might want to get it checked out.
It has nothing to do with the high amount of caffeine. Caffeine will not make you tired. It is because of the high amount of sugar. Look at how much sugar you are drinking. Probably the same as in a serving of soda. When you drink the sugar, your blood sugar level spikes, then it takes a drastic and very quick drop, causing you to become very tired. You'd get the same effect if you went out and ate a bunch of candy.
it also have the same effect on me, that's why i don't drink it during work time. maybe some chemical on it gives different effect on both of us.
I've heard that these energy drinks are bad for people.The reason people fall asleep is that they are full of sugar.That gives you a energy rush and then it drops you like a rock.People think that kids don't need sugar because it gets them hyper;it does,but then they fall asleep.Hope I helped.
You have been given several good suggestions. Let me add another prospective. One, if your body is conditioned to caffeine, more caffeine will not help. Two, if you are working a lot, sleeping poorly, or under a lot of stress, mild stimulants will not work.Other things to consider is you physical fitness. If you are out of shape, you can't jump start what isn't there. Do you drink plenty of water or are you a soft drink junkie? Dehydration limits the energy the body will produce.I wish you luck.
One of the tests for whether someone has ADHD is to give them a stimulant like caffeine or pseudoephedrine. If they get hyper on it then they don't have ADHD, if it has the opposite effect then they quite possibly have it. That's why people with it are given Ritalin (speed) to calm them down, when others use it for a stimulant.You might want to talk to your doctor about it.

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