Saturday, October 31, 2009

If it's not an ear infection what could it be?

My four yr old is complaining of a ear ache in his right ear. I have told the doctor this two times and on both occasions no ear infection. He says it hurt on the inside. What else could be wrong?
If it were ear wax the doctor would of seen it and had it removed because it was causing pain. It could be many problems can cause ear pain, sometimes a simple cold can cause congestion or pressure inside the ear, which can be painful, A cold or allergy can block the Eustachian tube due to inflammation and the build-up of secretions. This is especially likely in small children, because their Eustachian tube is shorter and more horizontal. When the Eustachian tube closes, the normal flow of fluid from the middle ear is prevented.
pressure build up from allergies perhaps?
I could be wax build-up, or even swimmers ear.
It is an ear ache. Wax build and or wet inner ear will hurt his ear. Try warming olive oil with garlic and place a couple of drops in his ear. Keep is ear canal clean and dry.
Have they looked for ear wax obstuction (sometimes it can be deep)? My child had that in the absence of ear infections and the wax had to be flushed out. If not, you may have to consider taking your child to an ENT for a deeper look. I wouldn't take any chances, here, especially not with the ears. They can get pretty complicated.
I assume there was no wax if the doc could see inside the ear to the eardrum enough to say that there was "no infection"Pain is likely due to eustacian tube dysfunction. This is like what happens in the airplane when your ears won't pop. Little kids are much more prone to this cuz their noses get stuffy and their tubes are short and straight.Try vapor mist, saline nasal rinse, or decongestant. Also warm washcloth and tylenol
Get a second opinion!He may have earwax buildup.

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