Saturday, October 31, 2009

If my toenail is removed will it grow back?

I had an ingrown toenail and It's infected and they're going to have to remove the nail on my big toe.
It depends on how much of the nail they have to remove. Basically what happens is they use a scalpel to remove part of the nail and then they cover that area in a chemical that prevents nail from ever growing back there. I don't think they would need to remove your whole toenail though.I had it done a year ago and it looks and feels fine - you can see that there is a difference between the toe that has had the surgery but it is not really significant.The ingrowing toenail left my foot so sore that I am glad of the surgery because by removing a small area of nail and preventing future growth it means I will never have an ingrowing toenail again.
no, if they remove the white part and under the skin at the bottom, it won't grow back.
Yes, it will grow back. It will take a while but yes.
No. It won't grow back, I really think you should get it removed. Before something even worse comes that infection.
ask your doctor, but my mom lost her toe nail after a mirror fell on it and it came back
My daughter had her big toenails removed twice for the same reason and YES they do grow back.
yes it well it well grow back an renew it self
Yes it will !!
If the nail can be successfully removed without damaging the nail bed then yes it will grow back. It will take a long time, but eventually it will grow back. If it bothers you ,you can have an extension applied (once some of the nail comes in) at a nail salon until the new one grows in. Future reference always file toenails straight across leaving a small free edge. Curving the edges on toenails encourages ingrown toenails.
Yes it will.

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