Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I do 40 push-ups everyday for 5 days in a row will I have gained any significant muscle?

Basicly I'm asking if I will gain any noticeable muscle tone and size in the coming 5 days.
Probabaly not, the first few weeks of intial weight training will result in neural adaptation (more efficient muscle contractions) and DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Your looking at a minimum of 3-4 weeks (with appropriate nutrition with a focus on protein) before you notice some changes in your muscle appearence.
Yes! I did that in one day and I knew I was stronger. =D
Ehh, I'd suggest you go maybe 100 push-ups everday for a few weeks to actually see something noticeable!!
it's possible, but you might stretch your muscles if you do it 5 days in a row. that would suck!
You will improve your strength and probably tone your arms, but you won't build size. To do that you need to use weights.If you do 3 sets of 40 a day (spread out) then in 5 days you may notice a difference in your arm shape, but not much I'm afraid.
Try 50 days, then you might notice a real difference.
You will gain but probably won't notice it much. Find a friend to look at you today and not see you for the 5 days and then ask again.

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