which was out in a hot car tunk for about 6hours then put it back in the freezer then was frozen then was eated will something happen to u?
first of all ice cream that has melted and been refrozen is horrible. You may or may not get food poisoning from it. leaving it out that long may cause bacteria to grow. if it had just been a little while that is one thing but leaving it out that long i would throw it away.
I don't think so because I'm sure i've done it before
Saturday, October 31, 2009
If somebody hits you on the head while you are cross-eyed do you stay cross-eyed??
Absolutely not...that's an old wives tale and holds no medical fact. However don't be letting anyone hit you in the head that can be dangerous :)
my friend was just talking about that the other day but we arent sure..
someone try it, and let us know
Of course you would, you have to get eye surgery to correct that. It is a dysfunction of the eye muscles that a person has no control over and are born with.
No..you become Cawk-eyed (one looks left while the other looks right!)
no people are born that way. you can get corrective glasses if have this problem
If panadeine forte has an exp of 2000 will they still work?
When I worked for Pfizer we took several pharmacology courses. We were taught that typically prescription medication still remained effective for one year after its expiration date.
If our eyes get oxygen directly from the air, how does it get it when we sleep and our eyes are closed?
I started wearing contact lenses and realized I can't sleep with them else my eyes are bloodshot, because not enough oxgyen reaches them.I can only think of one answer: when we close our eyes blood vessels in our eyelids supply the oxygen needed.
Your eyes are never fully closed when sleeping. Plus they get it from the oxygen in your veins.
Tears supply the oxygen when we sleep to the outer surface. The eye itself is supplied by blood vessels.
When you sleep your eyes are not glued **** meaning there is oxygen!
Did your doctor ever warn you about sleeping in your lenses? It's because a lack of oxygen to the eyes can cause problems when wearing ordinary extended wear lenses overnight. To sleep safely in soft contact lenses, you need an extraordinary lens that given the eye all the oxygen it needs to stay healthy.
With a breakthrough lens material, new NIGHT %26 DAY lenses allow up to 6 times more oxygen through to your eyes than ordinary soft contact lenses. Your eyes will be able to breathe as well as if you weren't wearing lenses at all-even while asleep
Why is it important for oxygen and water to pass through the lens to the eye?
Oxygen is essential for corneal health. Insufficient oxygen compromises normal eye function and may cause the cornea to swell. While minimal swelling is common during sleep, even in people who do not wear contact lenses, sleeping in ordinary contact lenses substantially reduces oxygen supply to the eyes which can cause the cornea to swell significantly and often results in very irritated eyes and uncomfortable lens wear
r eyes are not tightly sealed or fused shut while sleeping , we are in a relaxed phase and i eyes are slighty shut where o2 makes it's way in the eye
Your eyes are never fully closed when sleeping. Plus they get it from the oxygen in your veins.
Tears supply the oxygen when we sleep to the outer surface. The eye itself is supplied by blood vessels.
When you sleep your eyes are not glued **** meaning there is oxygen!
Did your doctor ever warn you about sleeping in your lenses? It's because a lack of oxygen to the eyes can cause problems when wearing ordinary extended wear lenses overnight. To sleep safely in soft contact lenses, you need an extraordinary lens that given the eye all the oxygen it needs to stay healthy.
With a breakthrough lens material, new NIGHT %26 DAY lenses allow up to 6 times more oxygen through to your eyes than ordinary soft contact lenses. Your eyes will be able to breathe as well as if you weren't wearing lenses at all-even while asleep
Why is it important for oxygen and water to pass through the lens to the eye?
Oxygen is essential for corneal health. Insufficient oxygen compromises normal eye function and may cause the cornea to swell. While minimal swelling is common during sleep, even in people who do not wear contact lenses, sleeping in ordinary contact lenses substantially reduces oxygen supply to the eyes which can cause the cornea to swell significantly and often results in very irritated eyes and uncomfortable lens wear
r eyes are not tightly sealed or fused shut while sleeping , we are in a relaxed phase and i eyes are slighty shut where o2 makes it's way in the eye
If O blood type is the universal donor, can any blood type donate to someone with O blood?
Or does it only work one way? In an emergency, I mean. Obviously, it's not the ideal situation.Thanks!
NoThe way the ABO blood grouping works for receiving red cell transfusions.Type A can receive A or O
Type B can receive B or O
Type AB can receive A, B or O
Type O can take O onlyAs far as Rh factorsPos can take Pos or Neg
Neg can take Neg onlyHence, if you are O neg you can only receive O NegIt may seem unfair to the O group, but there are more of them so it kind of equals out.Blood transfusion reactions are due to the antigen / antibody immune response in the body. The ABO response is much deadlier because the antibodies are already present in the blood and will destroy the transfused blood immediately. Rh reactions occur over time because normally the body must produce the antibody to the Rh antigen.
No. An O recipient has to receive type O. Any type can be given to type AB in an emergency.
It only works one way for type O's. They can donate to anyone, but can only receive their own type. Type AB's can receive any other type safely.
There is the rheus factor to consider - the + or -
O blood is a univeral giver. They are not the univeral takers. THe universal taker is AB blood. They can only receive blood from another person with O blood. Think of them as a non profit organization.
I think you still have to have your type of blood ,even if it is the O type
No. O type can be donated to any other type- it doesn't work the other way.
NO. O blood persons can only receive O blood
No, O can only accept O, otherwhise you will get a severe allergic reaction.
O blood has no additional elements, like A or B in it therefore you can not use anything except O with the same RH factor.The universal recipient is a person with an AB blood type.
They can receive A, B, AB, or O if the RH factor is matched.
only type O aswell
O type is th universal giver AB type is the universal taker.
but there are many sets different than O-A-B-AB set.For example the Rhesus set we say "O rh+" which means the blood contains rhesus proteins. There some more rules about this. more types of proteins and stuff..but in an emergency AB rh+ is the universal taker and O rh- is the universal giver.
DO NOT give O blood to AB person even in emergency, he would %99 die.
It's a one way street. O neg may be distributed to people with other blood types, but type AB (for example) cannot be used on someone with type O.
O negative blood is the only type that can be given to anyone O positive can't, and AB types can only accept O depending on thier positive or negative factors. and a woman woth O- blood can have a baby with another type of blood. ie: A+Blood type AB+ can recieve blood from o-/o+/A-/A+/B-/B+/AB-/AB+
Blood type AB- can recieve blood from O-/A-/B-/AB-
blood type A+ can recieve O-/O+/A-/A+
Blood type A- can recieve O-/A-
blood type B+ can recieve O-/O+/B-/B+
blood type B- can recieve O-/B-
blood type O+ can recieve O+/O-
Blood type O- can recieve O-
No not really. AB+ is the universal receiver. My husband has the universal receiver blood type and I am type O+ the universal donor. Actually if you receive the wrong blood type it can send you into anaphylactic shock.
NoThe way the ABO blood grouping works for receiving red cell transfusions.Type A can receive A or O
Type B can receive B or O
Type AB can receive A, B or O
Type O can take O onlyAs far as Rh factorsPos can take Pos or Neg
Neg can take Neg onlyHence, if you are O neg you can only receive O NegIt may seem unfair to the O group, but there are more of them so it kind of equals out.Blood transfusion reactions are due to the antigen / antibody immune response in the body. The ABO response is much deadlier because the antibodies are already present in the blood and will destroy the transfused blood immediately. Rh reactions occur over time because normally the body must produce the antibody to the Rh antigen.
No. An O recipient has to receive type O. Any type can be given to type AB in an emergency.
It only works one way for type O's. They can donate to anyone, but can only receive their own type. Type AB's can receive any other type safely.
There is the rheus factor to consider - the + or -
O blood is a univeral giver. They are not the univeral takers. THe universal taker is AB blood. They can only receive blood from another person with O blood. Think of them as a non profit organization.
I think you still have to have your type of blood ,even if it is the O type
No. O type can be donated to any other type- it doesn't work the other way.
NO. O blood persons can only receive O blood
No, O can only accept O, otherwhise you will get a severe allergic reaction.
O blood has no additional elements, like A or B in it therefore you can not use anything except O with the same RH factor.The universal recipient is a person with an AB blood type.
They can receive A, B, AB, or O if the RH factor is matched.
only type O aswell
O type is th universal giver AB type is the universal taker.
but there are many sets different than O-A-B-AB set.For example the Rhesus set we say "O rh+" which means the blood contains rhesus proteins. There some more rules about this. more types of proteins and stuff..but in an emergency AB rh+ is the universal taker and O rh- is the universal giver.
DO NOT give O blood to AB person even in emergency, he would %99 die.
It's a one way street. O neg may be distributed to people with other blood types, but type AB (for example) cannot be used on someone with type O.
O negative blood is the only type that can be given to anyone O positive can't, and AB types can only accept O depending on thier positive or negative factors. and a woman woth O- blood can have a baby with another type of blood. ie: A+Blood type AB+ can recieve blood from o-/o+/A-/A+/B-/B+/AB-/AB+
Blood type AB- can recieve blood from O-/A-/B-/AB-
blood type A+ can recieve O-/O+/A-/A+
Blood type A- can recieve O-/A-
blood type B+ can recieve O-/O+/B-/B+
blood type B- can recieve O-/B-
blood type O+ can recieve O+/O-
Blood type O- can recieve O-
No not really. AB+ is the universal receiver. My husband has the universal receiver blood type and I am type O+ the universal donor. Actually if you receive the wrong blood type it can send you into anaphylactic shock.
If my toenail is removed will it grow back?
I had an ingrown toenail and It's infected and they're going to have to remove the nail on my big toe.
It depends on how much of the nail they have to remove. Basically what happens is they use a scalpel to remove part of the nail and then they cover that area in a chemical that prevents nail from ever growing back there. I don't think they would need to remove your whole toenail though.I had it done a year ago and it looks and feels fine - you can see that there is a difference between the toe that has had the surgery but it is not really significant.The ingrowing toenail left my foot so sore that I am glad of the surgery because by removing a small area of nail and preventing future growth it means I will never have an ingrowing toenail again.
no, if they remove the white part and under the skin at the bottom, it won't grow back.
Yes, it will grow back. It will take a while but yes.
No. It won't grow back, I really think you should get it removed. Before something even worse comes that infection.
ask your doctor, but my mom lost her toe nail after a mirror fell on it and it came back
My daughter had her big toenails removed twice for the same reason and YES they do grow back.
yes it well it well grow back an renew it self
Yes it will !!
If the nail can be successfully removed without damaging the nail bed then yes it will grow back. It will take a long time, but eventually it will grow back. If it bothers you ,you can have an extension applied (once some of the nail comes in) at a nail salon until the new one grows in. Future reference always file toenails straight across leaving a small free edge. Curving the edges on toenails encourages ingrown toenails.
Yes it will.
It depends on how much of the nail they have to remove. Basically what happens is they use a scalpel to remove part of the nail and then they cover that area in a chemical that prevents nail from ever growing back there. I don't think they would need to remove your whole toenail though.I had it done a year ago and it looks and feels fine - you can see that there is a difference between the toe that has had the surgery but it is not really significant.The ingrowing toenail left my foot so sore that I am glad of the surgery because by removing a small area of nail and preventing future growth it means I will never have an ingrowing toenail again.
no, if they remove the white part and under the skin at the bottom, it won't grow back.
Yes, it will grow back. It will take a while but yes.
No. It won't grow back, I really think you should get it removed. Before something even worse comes that infection.
ask your doctor, but my mom lost her toe nail after a mirror fell on it and it came back
My daughter had her big toenails removed twice for the same reason and YES they do grow back.
yes it well it well grow back an renew it self
Yes it will !!
If the nail can be successfully removed without damaging the nail bed then yes it will grow back. It will take a long time, but eventually it will grow back. If it bothers you ,you can have an extension applied (once some of the nail comes in) at a nail salon until the new one grows in. Future reference always file toenails straight across leaving a small free edge. Curving the edges on toenails encourages ingrown toenails.
Yes it will.
If my son fell at a restaurant and bumped his head really hard,what can i do?
I recently went to chuckee cheese and my son was walking to the front desk and slipped on a wet floor.He got a huge bump on his head.At the restauraunt there was no caution signs saying that there was a wet floor.And the manager was laughing and flirting with some girls.I let him know of the situation and he got angry at me and told I should watch my son.Now I want to know what can be done for their lac of housekeeping?
well i have a daughter and i know what i would do i would have her checked out of course and would want a copy of all paper work that they had done on her. i would then send in a complaint telling them how i felt and hat the manager was rude and showed no concern becuase he was to busy flirting. then i would take it to court and have them pay all my bills and if possible try to get more money out of them just for the fact the guy was rude and didnt do anything to try and help you out. telling you you need to watch your son isnt something you want to hear your parent of course you watch your child but you are at a place for kids to play you shouldnt have to worry about a floor being wet if it is not marked. you should have told him to do his job and mark a floor when its wet and not be flirting.
first up a bag of ice on the bump to reduce the swelling. It will heal on its own. If he has NOTICEABLE brain damage, you can sue the restauraunt ( but that's not going to do any go). But you can't do anything about brain damage.
take your son to the hospital to check for serious injuries, then go back and complain to the manager, take it to court if need be.
I don't want to encourage you to sue. But I would defiantely send a letter to corprate, and to the manager at the restaruant that this happened to. Let them know that you are extremely unhappy. They might be able to compensate somehow.
Why do people always want to blame somebody else for their misfortunes ? When did we abrogate responsibility for our own actions ?
Incidentally, do you put out signs before you wash your own floors?
File a complain with your local health department or Labor and Industries. Both agencies would be interested in this issue. Or you can find a way to complain to the upper management about the local employees you might find this information on the companies web site. Below I found the companies contact information if you want to go that route. Hope your son is feeling okay!
Go on the internet and find the corporate office address for Chuckee Cheese and write to them. Give them specifics; wet floor, no warning signs, the managers response and exactly what the manager was doing.
At the same time, if I were you - I'd contact a lawyer.
since the management was rude to you I would write a letter to the corporate office and the local restaurant and complain about the safety standards and rude behavior of the staff in this chuck e cheese. Put in that the manager was flirting with some girls and got angry when you told him about the wet spot in the floor. I would also put cc: at the bottom and put that you sent one to the local restaurant and to corporate office. The corporate office will be contacting that manager i am sure once they get the letter. If your son didn't go to the Dr and didn't receive any injury besides the bump then you probably wouldn't' gain anything from suing them. But the manager might lose his job or be demoted for such behavior. Keep a copy of the letter for yourself.
i would sue there *** big time ur son could have gotten really hurt
well i have a daughter and i know what i would do i would have her checked out of course and would want a copy of all paper work that they had done on her. i would then send in a complaint telling them how i felt and hat the manager was rude and showed no concern becuase he was to busy flirting. then i would take it to court and have them pay all my bills and if possible try to get more money out of them just for the fact the guy was rude and didnt do anything to try and help you out. telling you you need to watch your son isnt something you want to hear your parent of course you watch your child but you are at a place for kids to play you shouldnt have to worry about a floor being wet if it is not marked. you should have told him to do his job and mark a floor when its wet and not be flirting.
first up a bag of ice on the bump to reduce the swelling. It will heal on its own. If he has NOTICEABLE brain damage, you can sue the restauraunt ( but that's not going to do any go). But you can't do anything about brain damage.
take your son to the hospital to check for serious injuries, then go back and complain to the manager, take it to court if need be.
I don't want to encourage you to sue. But I would defiantely send a letter to corprate, and to the manager at the restaruant that this happened to. Let them know that you are extremely unhappy. They might be able to compensate somehow.
Why do people always want to blame somebody else for their misfortunes ? When did we abrogate responsibility for our own actions ?
Incidentally, do you put out signs before you wash your own floors?
File a complain with your local health department or Labor and Industries. Both agencies would be interested in this issue. Or you can find a way to complain to the upper management about the local employees you might find this information on the companies web site. Below I found the companies contact information if you want to go that route. Hope your son is feeling okay!
Go on the internet and find the corporate office address for Chuckee Cheese and write to them. Give them specifics; wet floor, no warning signs, the managers response and exactly what the manager was doing.
At the same time, if I were you - I'd contact a lawyer.
since the management was rude to you I would write a letter to the corporate office and the local restaurant and complain about the safety standards and rude behavior of the staff in this chuck e cheese. Put in that the manager was flirting with some girls and got angry when you told him about the wet spot in the floor. I would also put cc: at the bottom and put that you sent one to the local restaurant and to corporate office. The corporate office will be contacting that manager i am sure once they get the letter. If your son didn't go to the Dr and didn't receive any injury besides the bump then you probably wouldn't' gain anything from suing them. But the manager might lose his job or be demoted for such behavior. Keep a copy of the letter for yourself.
i would sue there *** big time ur son could have gotten really hurt
If my shoes bother me Y is it always my right foot but my left foot is left unharmed?
Okay this is probably a silly question. I have always noticed that if any of my shoes hurt my foot its always my right foot, and not my left. Like I just bought a pair of sandels and the tong part hurts my toes on my right foot, but my left foot is as comfy as can be. Last month I bought a pair of shoes and when I went for a walk the heel part dug into my right heel and left a painful "owey" while my left foot was just fine.
Anyone know why this is happening? Anything I can do to stop it?? Serious answers only please.
P.S. Its not all shoes that do this to me.
Most people have one foot that's a little bigger/wider than the other. It's usually not a whole size, but can be enough to inflict pain while you are breaking in the shoes. Next time your at a department store have one of the clerks size both of your feet. There will likely be a slight difference.
Your right foot is probably slightly differently shaped and/or sized than your left.
Our feet are not the same on either side. You could see a podiatrist for some suggestions. The way you walk also has a lot to do with how our feet develop. I have lived with this my whole life. It is always my little toes which mess up my right foot. I had toe surgery to realign my little toe and it did help a lot.
Your right foot is prob larger, wider, or shaped differently from the left foot. A shoe stretcher can really help. I stretch my right shoes slightly everytime. Or your right foot's arch could be lower or higher. See if arch supports work if the stretching doesn't. Pop into a shoe store and have them measure it, width and length. Good luck!
your right foot is probaly a little bigger than your left, its really common, it makese it sometimes difficult to buy shoes but you could try going up half a size, ie i wear size 9 and in your case i would up it to a 9 1/2. the reason its not all shoes is because some styles may rub your foot the wrong way. if uping your size dosent help, try using somthing like gel insoles.hope that helps!
Because no one's feet match exactly. Your right foot may be slightly longer, wider, or the arch may be lower etc.. For sore spots on the heel, in a pinch, (not a pun) put a piece of Scotch tape on your heel where it rubs - on your skin not on the shoe. If you can get to the store one of those super thin stick-on plastic callous pads work for this, too. Definitely cover it %26 keep it clean. If it gets infected, it will hurt worse.
i have found out that our feet grow 1/2 inch every 5 or so years and one foot is usually bigger than the other. best thing to do is actually measure at the shoe store both feet and you might be surprised. i had a friend that actually had one foot 9 and the other 11. so nothing surprises me and she did have a hard time buying shoes but you really didn't notice unless she said something. i dought that yours are that different but may be 1/2 -1 inch different. and defiantly buy the shoes that are comfortable when you put them on and don't think that your going to "break them in" it wont happen and you and you feet will be much happier.
Every person has one foot larger than the other so therefore rubbing can occour on one foot rather than the other.
Also you have to remember one side of you is the dominant half so say you're right handed generally your right leg will be the more dominant one which takes on the role of holding you up, taking more pressure, you might walk on it harder and other factors like these.
I'd suggest going to a "proper" shoe shop and getting your feet sized and measured (in both length and width) So you might end up being a size 38 D in one foor and a size 38 1/2 E in the other. Good luck and I hope this helps
Anyone know why this is happening? Anything I can do to stop it?? Serious answers only please.
P.S. Its not all shoes that do this to me.
Most people have one foot that's a little bigger/wider than the other. It's usually not a whole size, but can be enough to inflict pain while you are breaking in the shoes. Next time your at a department store have one of the clerks size both of your feet. There will likely be a slight difference.
Your right foot is probably slightly differently shaped and/or sized than your left.
Our feet are not the same on either side. You could see a podiatrist for some suggestions. The way you walk also has a lot to do with how our feet develop. I have lived with this my whole life. It is always my little toes which mess up my right foot. I had toe surgery to realign my little toe and it did help a lot.
Your right foot is prob larger, wider, or shaped differently from the left foot. A shoe stretcher can really help. I stretch my right shoes slightly everytime. Or your right foot's arch could be lower or higher. See if arch supports work if the stretching doesn't. Pop into a shoe store and have them measure it, width and length. Good luck!
your right foot is probaly a little bigger than your left, its really common, it makese it sometimes difficult to buy shoes but you could try going up half a size, ie i wear size 9 and in your case i would up it to a 9 1/2. the reason its not all shoes is because some styles may rub your foot the wrong way. if uping your size dosent help, try using somthing like gel insoles.hope that helps!
Because no one's feet match exactly. Your right foot may be slightly longer, wider, or the arch may be lower etc.. For sore spots on the heel, in a pinch, (not a pun) put a piece of Scotch tape on your heel where it rubs - on your skin not on the shoe. If you can get to the store one of those super thin stick-on plastic callous pads work for this, too. Definitely cover it %26 keep it clean. If it gets infected, it will hurt worse.
i have found out that our feet grow 1/2 inch every 5 or so years and one foot is usually bigger than the other. best thing to do is actually measure at the shoe store both feet and you might be surprised. i had a friend that actually had one foot 9 and the other 11. so nothing surprises me and she did have a hard time buying shoes but you really didn't notice unless she said something. i dought that yours are that different but may be 1/2 -1 inch different. and defiantly buy the shoes that are comfortable when you put them on and don't think that your going to "break them in" it wont happen and you and you feet will be much happier.
Every person has one foot larger than the other so therefore rubbing can occour on one foot rather than the other.
Also you have to remember one side of you is the dominant half so say you're right handed generally your right leg will be the more dominant one which takes on the role of holding you up, taking more pressure, you might walk on it harder and other factors like these.
I'd suggest going to a "proper" shoe shop and getting your feet sized and measured (in both length and width) So you might end up being a size 38 D in one foor and a size 38 1/2 E in the other. Good luck and I hope this helps
If my health insurance doesn't cover pregnancy should I apply for medicaid?
Yes you should apply for medicaid. medicaid will cover everything also still covers while you are breastfeeding the baby.
oh my=YES
it cant hurt.. if u are working u may still qualify. good luck
I wonder why it won't cover it? Hmm. I would, if you qualify for it.
Yes, right away. In our area, there is an insurance called "NeighborCare" and it is specifically for pregnant women, and women with toddlers. It is funded by our state. Check your local government, call the governors information, and ask for all the things you are eligible for. Apply for these now, as they will provide the vitamins, and check=ups you need.
Get all the help you can now, It won't always be there for you
yes in many cases pregnamcy can be covered when other payments aren't available Or if not possible to qualify try a low tech birth center atttended by a certified nurse midwife(make sure you get the highest trained ones, not a lay midwife or just a "licensed midwife" who may not be as skilled) if you are in good health. You could avoid some of the heaviest charges if you are able to have a normal pregnancy and delivery.
please try this %26lt;a href="http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-1748196-1... target="_top"%26gt;help!%26lt;/a%26gt;
%26lt;img src="http://www.lduhtrp.net/image-1748196-104...
If my fentanyl patch comes off accidentally can i use the same patch? And if so, how?
You can put the patch back on if it is not damaged in anyway.
You can use a clear, sticky adhesive dressing called Tegaderm. Available at your Chemist. Just put it over the patch.You can also use these over the top of your patches when you first put them on to prevent them from coming off as they have a tendancy to do.
It should be OK to put back on if it is not damaged. You will have to tape it back on. That may be a pain come shower time.
If its so rude to dig up Ur nose then how are u suppose to get the buggers out Ur nose?
It's also rude to pee in public, so like peeing, pick your nose in private, and wash your hands after!
Q-tips = small sticks with a little cotton fixed to the end.If you must use a finger then do it in private.
If it's not an ear infection what could it be?
My four yr old is complaining of a ear ache in his right ear. I have told the doctor this two times and on both occasions no ear infection. He says it hurt on the inside. What else could be wrong?
If it were ear wax the doctor would of seen it and had it removed because it was causing pain. It could be many things...dental problems can cause ear pain, sometimes a simple cold can cause congestion or pressure inside the ear, which can be painful, A cold or allergy can block the Eustachian tube due to inflammation and the build-up of secretions. This is especially likely in small children, because their Eustachian tube is shorter and more horizontal. When the Eustachian tube closes, the normal flow of fluid from the middle ear is prevented.
pressure build up from allergies perhaps?
I could be wax build-up, or even swimmers ear.
It is an ear ache. Wax build and or wet inner ear will hurt his ear. Try warming olive oil with garlic and place a couple of drops in his ear. Keep is ear canal clean and dry.
Have they looked for ear wax obstuction (sometimes it can be deep)? My child had that in the absence of ear infections and the wax had to be flushed out. If not, you may have to consider taking your child to an ENT for a deeper look. I wouldn't take any chances, here, especially not with the ears. They can get pretty complicated.
I assume there was no wax if the doc could see inside the ear to the eardrum enough to say that there was "no infection"Pain is likely due to eustacian tube dysfunction. This is like what happens in the airplane when your ears won't pop. Little kids are much more prone to this cuz their noses get stuffy and their tubes are short and straight.Try vapor mist, saline nasal rinse, or decongestant. Also warm washcloth and tylenol
Get a second opinion!He may have earwax buildup.
If it were ear wax the doctor would of seen it and had it removed because it was causing pain. It could be many things...dental problems can cause ear pain, sometimes a simple cold can cause congestion or pressure inside the ear, which can be painful, A cold or allergy can block the Eustachian tube due to inflammation and the build-up of secretions. This is especially likely in small children, because their Eustachian tube is shorter and more horizontal. When the Eustachian tube closes, the normal flow of fluid from the middle ear is prevented.
pressure build up from allergies perhaps?
I could be wax build-up, or even swimmers ear.
It is an ear ache. Wax build and or wet inner ear will hurt his ear. Try warming olive oil with garlic and place a couple of drops in his ear. Keep is ear canal clean and dry.
Have they looked for ear wax obstuction (sometimes it can be deep)? My child had that in the absence of ear infections and the wax had to be flushed out. If not, you may have to consider taking your child to an ENT for a deeper look. I wouldn't take any chances, here, especially not with the ears. They can get pretty complicated.
I assume there was no wax if the doc could see inside the ear to the eardrum enough to say that there was "no infection"Pain is likely due to eustacian tube dysfunction. This is like what happens in the airplane when your ears won't pop. Little kids are much more prone to this cuz their noses get stuffy and their tubes are short and straight.Try vapor mist, saline nasal rinse, or decongestant. Also warm washcloth and tylenol
Get a second opinion!He may have earwax buildup.
If I'm around ppl smoking weed but dnt do the drug at all, will anything show up in a drug test?
I've never smoked weed in my entire life. No lie. I have a drug test tomorrow. Recently I was at some parties and hung out with quite a few people that were smoking. Most of the time it was outside and if not, in a pretty big house.
I know that I wasn't contact high at any point,but I was definatly around it.Will that show up in my urine drug test tomorrow? I'm really nervous because that'd suck a lot. Especially because I've never touched the drugThanks!
It can. Depends on how well ventilted the room/house is. I would guess more likely than not if you were in close proximity to the person/people smoking it.
It has been proven people can get lung damage from second hand cigarette smoke, So if cigarette smoke canget into the non smokers lungs so can weed.
And it can also get into your hair if you should get a hair strand test.
Also depends how long ago it was you were around it and the amount of body fat you have. it is stored in fat cells. If you have more fat, you store more/longer than a thin person.
Weed can test positive up to 6 weeks or more
If you don't smoke it yourself though, the amount that shows up could be below the threshold of the screen. Drink lots of water before your test and be sure you urinate a few times before you go for your test. If it is in your system. That will help dilute it and flush it out but too many variables in your question to say with certainty.
I'd go buy one of those OTC screens at your local pharmacy and test it yourself before you go. If it is positive I wouldn't take the drug screen.
Better to get fired or not hired for not taking it than for testing positive.
No, you won't pop positive on a drug test by being around people that are smoking.
if you breathed it in probably will
watch your association
birds of a feather flock together
no it wont show up unless ur smoking it. and ur not. so no.
unless you inhaled A LOT
of the smoke, the THC in
marijuana probably won't
show up on your drug test
Actually it will, in trace amounts. Depending on how sensitive the test is, it might pick it up as a "hot" test. Usually not, but it's test dependent.The person smoking the pot will be absorbing most of the THC, but the term "contact high" didn't get its name for nothing.
depends on the kind of test
NO it won't, you actually have to inhale for it to get in your system. So don't worry you'll be fine sweetie.
Darlin' that story never works if you fail your drug test anyway lol so what is the problem? keep your mouth shut and wait for the results. If it is positive? you can consider that you learned something important about hanging around "stupid" people. If it isn't positive you probably acted suspicious as heck during the collection process..and got their attention. Now you make sure to let us know how it goes ya hear? %26lt;I swear I am seriously lmao%26gt;
second hand smoke can show up in urine samples. Drink lots of water to try to flush out your system - exercise will help too.
I know that I wasn't contact high at any point,but I was definatly around it.Will that show up in my urine drug test tomorrow? I'm really nervous because that'd suck a lot. Especially because I've never touched the drugThanks!
It can. Depends on how well ventilted the room/house is. I would guess more likely than not if you were in close proximity to the person/people smoking it.
It has been proven people can get lung damage from second hand cigarette smoke, So if cigarette smoke canget into the non smokers lungs so can weed.
And it can also get into your hair if you should get a hair strand test.
Also depends how long ago it was you were around it and the amount of body fat you have. it is stored in fat cells. If you have more fat, you store more/longer than a thin person.
Weed can test positive up to 6 weeks or more
If you don't smoke it yourself though, the amount that shows up could be below the threshold of the screen. Drink lots of water before your test and be sure you urinate a few times before you go for your test. If it is in your system. That will help dilute it and flush it out but too many variables in your question to say with certainty.
I'd go buy one of those OTC screens at your local pharmacy and test it yourself before you go. If it is positive I wouldn't take the drug screen.
Better to get fired or not hired for not taking it than for testing positive.
No, you won't pop positive on a drug test by being around people that are smoking.
if you breathed it in probably will
watch your association
birds of a feather flock together
no it wont show up unless ur smoking it. and ur not. so no.
unless you inhaled A LOT
of the smoke, the THC in
marijuana probably won't
show up on your drug test
Actually it will, in trace amounts. Depending on how sensitive the test is, it might pick it up as a "hot" test. Usually not, but it's test dependent.The person smoking the pot will be absorbing most of the THC, but the term "contact high" didn't get its name for nothing.
depends on the kind of test
NO it won't, you actually have to inhale for it to get in your system. So don't worry you'll be fine sweetie.
Darlin' that story never works if you fail your drug test anyway lol so what is the problem? keep your mouth shut and wait for the results. If it is positive? you can consider that you learned something important about hanging around "stupid" people. If it isn't positive you probably acted suspicious as heck during the collection process..and got their attention. Now you make sure to let us know how it goes ya hear? %26lt;I swear I am seriously lmao%26gt;
second hand smoke can show up in urine samples. Drink lots of water to try to flush out your system - exercise will help too.
If i tore my meniscus would i be able to walk?
also is there a lot of pain and swelling?
You might experience a "popping" sensation when you tear the meniscus. Most people can still walk on the injured knee and many athletes keep playing. When symptoms of inflammation set in, your knee feels painful and tight. For several days you have: Stiffness and swelling.
Tenderness in the joint line.
Collection of fluid ("water on the knee").
Without treatment, a fragment of the meniscus may loosen and drift into the joint, causing it to slip, pop or lock鈥攜our knee gets stuck, often at a 45-degree angle, until you manually move or otherwise manipulate it. If you think you have a meniscal tear, see your doctor right away for diagnosis and individualized treatment.
i don't know the extent of the tear, but i think you should be able to walk, depending on how much you tore it. i had a damaged meniscus and could still walk and even run, altho there was pain, a little swelling but not much; it does well with icing. go see a doctor and get an xray.
That all depends on the severity of the injury. My daughter tore her right knee afew years back. Her knee locked in a bent position %26 wouldn't straighten. She had surgery to repair it the next day. At this very moment she is in the hospital getting her other knee repaired. She has a small tear that is getting repaired (or removed, depanding) She has been walking on it for over a year, but it does, pop, give out, and ache.
You might experience a "popping" sensation when you tear the meniscus. Most people can still walk on the injured knee and many athletes keep playing. When symptoms of inflammation set in, your knee feels painful and tight. For several days you have: Stiffness and swelling.
Tenderness in the joint line.
Collection of fluid ("water on the knee").
Without treatment, a fragment of the meniscus may loosen and drift into the joint, causing it to slip, pop or lock鈥攜our knee gets stuck, often at a 45-degree angle, until you manually move or otherwise manipulate it. If you think you have a meniscal tear, see your doctor right away for diagnosis and individualized treatment.
i don't know the extent of the tear, but i think you should be able to walk, depending on how much you tore it. i had a damaged meniscus and could still walk and even run, altho there was pain, a little swelling but not much; it does well with icing. go see a doctor and get an xray.
That all depends on the severity of the injury. My daughter tore her right knee afew years back. Her knee locked in a bent position %26 wouldn't straighten. She had surgery to repair it the next day. At this very moment she is in the hospital getting her other knee repaired. She has a small tear that is getting repaired (or removed, depanding) She has been walking on it for over a year, but it does, pop, give out, and ache.
If i sleep all day will my body go into starvation mode?
I've been sleeping odd hours lately. I went to sleep at 2:30 this morning (Thurs) and slept until about 4:30 this afternoon. I didn't feel hungry when I woke up and I was wondering if I ate yesterday like at 8 at night should I be worried that my body will go into starvation mode?
No honey, your body clock is just out of whack. It will all settle down.
No honey, your body clock is just out of whack. It will all settle down.
If I just took 20 grams (not mg)of Tylenol what should I do? Is it a big deal? Should I just sleep it off?
i'm questioning the accuracy of this statement (that would be 20,000mg of tylenol) but if you indeed have taken that much-you need to call 911 right away (max daily dose is 4000mg)this level of tylenol toxicidity can be fatal
can you say liver damage or
even death
call 911
i'm sure your just looking for attention but if you really took 20 grams i dont think youll be asking anymore questions on yahooanswergood luck
the maximum adult dose of tylenol is only 4 grams/day taken in 4 divided doses (1gram every 6 hours).
20 grams is 40 tablets (of 500mg each)!
.you still there?
Go to the hospital now...You may think you are OK, but tylenol doesn't start to have bad effects until it is metabolized in the liver, which can take 24-48 hours. If you and try and sleep it off, you will pay dearly for it later.There are a lot better ways to go then with fulminant hepatic failure, or live after a liver transplant...
If I just had a babby how do you get it too sleep all night without giving it drugs?
Very very seldom do new born babies sleep through the night. Sorry. The only thing you can do is to minimize the "disturbances" so that the baby returns to sleep after being changed, fed and burped. Keep any lights that need to be on, on very low, play some soft music, and lay the baby down after it has been burped. Make sure that the baby has burped, often its a trapped gas pocket the will keep the baby awake after middle of the night feedings. It will soon learn to fall back asleep on its own. Unless your baby has digestive reasons for it, never give a newborn cereal in the formula. If the baby seems particularly fussy after eating, try changing formulas, but never put anything in the formula. Babies can start cereals when they reach about three months of age. Sorry, but its a new 'parent' fact that for the first several months, sleeping through the night is not an option. Try to rest when the baby does during the day to minimize the zombie feeling untill it is old enough to sleep through the night.
no baby realy sleeps through the nigh expecially even months after it has been born....giving it drugs will just mess up the kid!! comfort the kid as best as you can and sooner or later the baby will fall asleep
you usually don't.
You can't. Unfortunately, babies don't sleep through the night for quite a while. And please don't give your baby drugs.
Feed the baby and change its diaper and it should go back to sleep.
Otherwise just let it cry itself to sleep, that should take a few nights unless it has colic. Then it could last monthes.
The baby will need one to two months before he/she will sleep through the night. My son took about 1 1/2 months before he was sleeping all night. Once he finally slept it scared me to death.
You should NEVER give a baby drugs of any kind unless they are prescribed or recommended by your Doctor. Most babies are not able to sleep through the night until at least three months of age. Depending on the child, it could be a little longer than that. They need to wake up often, because they need to eat! So hang in there, but realize that having a child means that you won't get much sleep for a while.
a nice warm bath, rub down with lotion oil etc. mix just a tiny bit of infant cereal in wih the formula, may need to make the hole in the nipple bigger with a pin. feed the baby, burp the baby. when the baby does wake up at night make sure to give him/her plain sterilized water, do not add kayro or sugar or anything to sweeten the water, they get used to the sweet stuff and wake up more for it. they will be fussy the first few nights, my 3rd one slept all night when he was 5 days old, his 3rd night home. good luck.
hahaha, some babies will sleep all night but most of the time no luck
let it cry it self to sleep do not give drugs
If I have myofascial, should I use heat or ice?
GREETINGS, it depends on why you have it. If it's inflammation from an injury, and the injury is new, then ice, if it's MPS, then heat and stretches, and you might want to try something like biofreeze, sombra, or cougar balm.
There are some who would alternqte heat and ice. However, for MPS heat is more commonly employed, specially deep heat lilke the one obtained from ultrasound.
If I have a really bad headache do I really have to wait 4 hours to take more aleve?
Could I really overdose if I take more after only 3 hours?
What we often recommend to our patients is to alternate pain medications. Take your Aleve. If you continue to have pain after 2 hours take some Tylenol (if you have no health reasons not to) and then the Aleve again. Persistent headaches may indicate a more serious problem and should be checked by your doctor. Also, just because it is a "pain reliever" it might not be the right medication for your pain.
You won't OD, but I can't say it's good for your body. But if the aleve is not helping you in the first place, maybe you should try something else.
3 1/2 since it takes 1/2 hour to get into your system...or just ask a nurse
Always follow the instructions on the bottle. Too much of these pain relievers can cause liver and or kidney damage. Too much of any these drugs is simply not good for you.
Try lying in a dark, cool quiet room and close your eyes, and relax. Make sure that it is quiet, if possible.
If your headache persists, or is severe to the point that it affects your ability to function, you need to see a doctor.
What we often recommend to our patients is to alternate pain medications. Take your Aleve. If you continue to have pain after 2 hours take some Tylenol (if you have no health reasons not to) and then the Aleve again. Persistent headaches may indicate a more serious problem and should be checked by your doctor. Also, just because it is a "pain reliever" it might not be the right medication for your pain.
You won't OD, but I can't say it's good for your body. But if the aleve is not helping you in the first place, maybe you should try something else.
3 1/2 since it takes 1/2 hour to get into your system...or just ask a nurse
Always follow the instructions on the bottle. Too much of these pain relievers can cause liver and or kidney damage. Too much of any these drugs is simply not good for you.
Try lying in a dark, cool quiet room and close your eyes, and relax. Make sure that it is quiet, if possible.
If your headache persists, or is severe to the point that it affects your ability to function, you need to see a doctor.
If i have a fracture in my finger and the doctor re brakes it what will they do ?put a cast?
my finger is crooked and blue . if the doctor rebrakes it will he put a cast?
Fractures of the fingers are often fixed using pins surgically placed into the bone(s) and then you are put in a splint. Healing time ranges between 4-8 wks depending on type and severity of break.
Fingers are usually splintd not casted. Depends how much immobility is needed. Usually not a cast though.
Fractures of the fingers are often fixed using pins surgically placed into the bone(s) and then you are put in a splint. Healing time ranges between 4-8 wks depending on type and severity of break.
Fingers are usually splintd not casted. Depends how much immobility is needed. Usually not a cast though.
If i have a bulging C5/6 cervical disc in my neck would it be putting pressure on my nerves.?
My MRI results reads.
There is a annular bulging of the C5/6 with a right paracentral protrusion which indents the thecal sac and anterior aspect of the cord.
Also would this explain all the pain in wrist, forearm, and elbow and the numbness in my fingers.
I occasionally get a burning sensation in my shoulder.
All of this is mostly on my right side, i do get a bit of pain and numbness in my left but nothing like the right.
I was originally diagnosed with rsi both wrist, then fibromalgia and now finally after 6 months they have done scans.
Can someone please help?
The protusion of the bulging disk is putting pressure on your spinal cord and if your elbow, forearm and fingers are experiencing numbness, it would be the lateral side of your arm that is numb (thumb side) which corresponds to the c6 nerve. Your doctors will be able to take care of this
Any spinal pressure, especially in the cervical region, will result in headaches.
It is curious that you have had symptoms for 6 months without an MRI until recently--particularly that they diagnosed you with fibromyalgia without scans.
Best of luck
There is a annular bulging of the C5/6 with a right paracentral protrusion which indents the thecal sac and anterior aspect of the cord.
Also would this explain all the pain in wrist, forearm, and elbow and the numbness in my fingers.
I occasionally get a burning sensation in my shoulder.
All of this is mostly on my right side, i do get a bit of pain and numbness in my left but nothing like the right.
I was originally diagnosed with rsi both wrist, then fibromalgia and now finally after 6 months they have done scans.
Can someone please help?
The protusion of the bulging disk is putting pressure on your spinal cord and if your elbow, forearm and fingers are experiencing numbness, it would be the lateral side of your arm that is numb (thumb side) which corresponds to the c6 nerve. Your doctors will be able to take care of this
Any spinal pressure, especially in the cervical region, will result in headaches.
It is curious that you have had symptoms for 6 months without an MRI until recently--particularly that they diagnosed you with fibromyalgia without scans.
Best of luck
If I had a disc ahernia should I get surgery?
It depends on how much pain you're in now. I had a laminectomy that I regretted from the moment I woke up from surgery. I eventually had to have a fusion which gave some relief, but I still have near constant pain. For your own sake, please don't enter this lightly. If your pain is severe now, then surgery might be indicated as a last resort. Look into Lordex, physical therapy, or acupuncture first. If your pain is mild to moderate, I would suggest you avoid surgery.
if it is mild u need not go for surgery.
go for physiotherapy.
use belt,it works really.
Absolutely!!!!!! I had the surgery, and after just about having to walk on all fours for a year, my back is like normal, and my surgery was 15 yrs. ago. Do it!!!!
dear it called prolapsed disc or disc herniation
and it have many degrees
and if it affect or compress the nerves
you should have surgery
other wise if it simple
and no nerve compression
you can deal with it by sleeping on hard board and physiotherapy
and sign of nerve compression are mainly heaveness of the affected limb or the numbness of the limb at the side of the disc prolapse
only your doctor can tell.go and seem him/her
If i had a broken finger and didn't get it fixed what could happen?
has to be set within a certain # of hours after breaking it. It will be okay but depending on the severity of the break it will heal "deformed" and as you get older you will have bad arthritis in it.
It could grow back all crooked! GET IT FIXED!
My cousin had a broken finger, but no one realized it was broken until it was too late to do anything. Her finger is kind of crooked now, but it isn't incredibly noticable. It all depends on where and how bad the injury is.
You could feel pain in the future if you ever want to lift weights someday or work construction or lift a heavy object.
i think its like when you break your toe...it will heal but it may stay crooked and if your still growing it may stay short ( that happen to my little brothers toe) but if you dont want to go to the dr. the cheap way to make a splent is get two popcicle sticks and tape them around your finger...GOOD LUCK!
it will be crooked like mine......
Depending in the type of break, but the biggest problem would be if it didn't grow back straight. That would suck if you went the rest of your life with a club finger. If it was completely broken in two, then the bone ends could shred the muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments... in your finger. Then you would have a worthless club finger.
As mentioned it usually will heal, but, most times it be crooked. If, for some reason the break does not actually mend, the broken bone would in time dissolve and be gone. Bone is actually a tissue and just as a cut will heal and have a scar without stiches, and have less scar with stiches. A bone will do similar and heal.
it could develop a blood clot and you could die
You could expect to experience more pain during the healing process and of course, the bone would not knit in its natural form. This will cause less flexibility in the joint and over time, you can expect calcium deposits to form.
If you break a bone, and you don't get it fixed, then it will not heal correctly. One way in which doctors treat a broken bone is done with Cast Immobilization. The cast is made of plaster, or fiberglass and the doctors place the cast on the injury after the bone has been repositioned and aligned correctly. The cast keeps the bone from moving, and therefore it assist the bone in healing correctly. FREE workouts
it can form broken as in , if it's crooked then you not getting it fixed can cause everything to grow back horribly wrong and you can even have permanent pain! =]
get it fixed
or it can just become permanently broken =[
If i got stabbed in the stomach with a knife should i take the knife out?
hypothetically speaking.. which one should i rather do?i got stabbed in the stomach and the phone is upstairs so i leave the knife in my stomach and walk upstairs to call the ambulance and wait for it to come. and the amulance will come in like an hour
orshould i pull the knife out and walk upstairs to call the ambulance and wait for it to come? and the amulance will come in like an hour
Not only is the knife acting as a Block to keep you from bleeding further, but the edge of it could be Barbed like a fish hook... it could also be contaminated.Some poisons and infections can only be detected by taking out brain matter... say like Rabies" so keep the knife. Apply pressure around the wound, like tying a long towel around your waist both above and below it.Should the knife fall out, which it will unless it is DESIGNED not to, apply direct pressure to the wound. For heaven's sake don't put it back in.All these people saying it won't take an ambulance an hour to arrive are yuppies... to imagine they have no idea what it's like to live more than an hour from a hospital! *rofl*
EMS shouldnt take one hour to arrive even though waiting for it to appear would seem like an eternitydont pull the knife out- its acting as a sort of blockage ( dam) to prevent hemorrhagingwhy is you nearest phone... upstairs?
It doesn't take an ambulance an hour to get to you. You leave the knife in---absolutely. If you take it out, you would bleed to death before the EMTs arrived.
NEVER . pull it out.
All I got to say is, dont you have something better to do???
Leave the knife in. The ambulance would not take an hour to get there unless you didn't specify anything. If you take the knife out you will start to bleed a lot more and thus die faster.
you should leave the knife in so that you dont bleed to death cause if you take it out youll die before the ambulance can get to you
don't take it out. go to the ER now!
orshould i pull the knife out and walk upstairs to call the ambulance and wait for it to come? and the amulance will come in like an hour
Not only is the knife acting as a Block to keep you from bleeding further, but the edge of it could be Barbed like a fish hook... it could also be contaminated.Some poisons and infections can only be detected by taking out brain matter... say like Rabies" so keep the knife. Apply pressure around the wound, like tying a long towel around your waist both above and below it.Should the knife fall out, which it will unless it is DESIGNED not to, apply direct pressure to the wound. For heaven's sake don't put it back in.All these people saying it won't take an ambulance an hour to arrive are yuppies... to imagine they have no idea what it's like to live more than an hour from a hospital! *rofl*
EMS shouldnt take one hour to arrive even though waiting for it to appear would seem like an eternitydont pull the knife out- its acting as a sort of blockage ( dam) to prevent hemorrhagingwhy is you nearest phone... upstairs?
It doesn't take an ambulance an hour to get to you. You leave the knife in---absolutely. If you take it out, you would bleed to death before the EMTs arrived.
NEVER . pull it out.
All I got to say is, dont you have something better to do???
Leave the knife in. The ambulance would not take an hour to get there unless you didn't specify anything. If you take the knife out you will start to bleed a lot more and thus die faster.
you should leave the knife in so that you dont bleed to death cause if you take it out youll die before the ambulance can get to you
don't take it out. go to the ER now!
If I go to the doctor and tell them this... what are they likely to prescibe me?
I have been having alot of problems with anxiety lately- I have always been kind of a nervous person and had alot of problems with being nervous around people- but now that I've graduated from high school and have the responsibility of working part time and going to college at the same time my life has become more stressful and I am just anxious all the time- I'm so keyed up that I grind my teeth and alot of times I can't sleep- sometimes its so bad my chest gets tight and my throat hurts and my chest aches slightly... I can't concentrate on anything, so it is increasingly interfering with my studying and I have contemplated quiting my job over it- but I like my job although I think a big part of the anxiety comes from dealing with so many people every day- I work in a dept. store- well, I don't want to or have the resources to quit my job... and school is part of the stress too. for the past 2 years this has been really bad and seems to only be getting worse.
If you have any doctor who knows your history,you should have no promblem getting klonipin in a therauputic dose. Not any thing to slow you down but enough to stay calm. SSRI 's .are generally used to treat underlying conditions and may be prescribed. Your confidence in stressfull sitiuations should improve,and gradually discontinue the medications!
Paxil.It has been approved for treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well as depression (both of which may be applicable to you). It is non addictive, and the side effects are generally minimal (or non existant).Best of luck to you,
~M~p.s. You would be well served to see a PSYCHAITRIST rather than your general practitioner for your first script. In the same way that you don't have your allergist adminster anesthesia, you don't have your general practitioner prescribe psychotropic medications. Psychiatry is a speciaty for a very, very good reason.
First let me congratulate you on standing on your own feet, working and going to school and supporting yourself. I did it from college all the way to M.D. degree. My secret was my job. I worked as a security guard, sitting in an empty building after hours and studying while I was working. no stress, not too many people to deal with. I suggest you do the same. Your life is to precious to waste it in a department store. You need your time to study. If you go to doc, make sure they won't give you Prozac. The thoughts of suicide will increase in young adults who take Prozac or any SSRI (selective serotonin receptor inhibitors). My advice to you would be to take lots of vitamins (B complex specially), eat right and workout regularly. You go girl.
Most of my family has depression, including me. But, my sister has anxiety disorder, and she takes Effexor, but, the answer before me stated Paxil, which is also good to! Hang in there my friend, you will be ok, I promise.
i feel for you. i have had aniexty/panic attacks since i was a teenager. there are several things they can give you depending on how severe the aniexty is. they have buspar which is an every day pill u would take and then there are valuim and other drugs like this that you would only take when you were having aniexty problems they can be very addicting and knock you on your butt too. try something mild at first but ask the doctor for a back up prescription.
good luck
I'm not sure exactly. A commonly prescribed anti-anxiety drug is: ATAVAN. I strongly recommend that you stay away from anti-depressants such as Celexa, Paxil, Zoloft, %26 Prozac. The aforementioned list of meds has potentially dangerous side effects; especially when wrongly prescribed! Seek the advice from your primary care physician first, and before a seeking the advice of a mental health care professional. Mental health care doctors are sometimes too willing/eager to prescribe the inappropriate pill.
as many have said, like an SSRI (celexa, paxil, zoloft, etc) or an anti-anxiety drug like buspar. if you don't have suicidal thoughts at baseline, then i wouldn't be concerned about starting an SSRI. the people that usually commit suicide are those that already had those thoughts, then became motivated with the new meds. i think you may have panic disorder more than an anxiety disorder (the chest pain/tightness is likely a panic attack).
You most likely have GAD
Generalized Anxiety Disorder.They will prolly give you Xanax...(for anxiety)
or another drug for it.I don't know why you would wait this long to go to a doctor. But whatever. Seems like a lot of unneeded **** to me.Get some meds girl.
If you have any doctor who knows your history,you should have no promblem getting klonipin in a therauputic dose. Not any thing to slow you down but enough to stay calm. SSRI 's .are generally used to treat underlying conditions and may be prescribed. Your confidence in stressfull sitiuations should improve,and gradually discontinue the medications!
Paxil.It has been approved for treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well as depression (both of which may be applicable to you). It is non addictive, and the side effects are generally minimal (or non existant).Best of luck to you,
~M~p.s. You would be well served to see a PSYCHAITRIST rather than your general practitioner for your first script. In the same way that you don't have your allergist adminster anesthesia, you don't have your general practitioner prescribe psychotropic medications. Psychiatry is a speciaty for a very, very good reason.
First let me congratulate you on standing on your own feet, working and going to school and supporting yourself. I did it from college all the way to M.D. degree. My secret was my job. I worked as a security guard, sitting in an empty building after hours and studying while I was working. no stress, not too many people to deal with. I suggest you do the same. Your life is to precious to waste it in a department store. You need your time to study. If you go to doc, make sure they won't give you Prozac. The thoughts of suicide will increase in young adults who take Prozac or any SSRI (selective serotonin receptor inhibitors). My advice to you would be to take lots of vitamins (B complex specially), eat right and workout regularly. You go girl.
Most of my family has depression, including me. But, my sister has anxiety disorder, and she takes Effexor, but, the answer before me stated Paxil, which is also good to! Hang in there my friend, you will be ok, I promise.
i feel for you. i have had aniexty/panic attacks since i was a teenager. there are several things they can give you depending on how severe the aniexty is. they have buspar which is an every day pill u would take and then there are valuim and other drugs like this that you would only take when you were having aniexty problems they can be very addicting and knock you on your butt too. try something mild at first but ask the doctor for a back up prescription.
good luck
I'm not sure exactly. A commonly prescribed anti-anxiety drug is: ATAVAN. I strongly recommend that you stay away from anti-depressants such as Celexa, Paxil, Zoloft, %26 Prozac. The aforementioned list of meds has potentially dangerous side effects; especially when wrongly prescribed! Seek the advice from your primary care physician first, and before a seeking the advice of a mental health care professional. Mental health care doctors are sometimes too willing/eager to prescribe the inappropriate pill.
as many have said, like an SSRI (celexa, paxil, zoloft, etc) or an anti-anxiety drug like buspar. if you don't have suicidal thoughts at baseline, then i wouldn't be concerned about starting an SSRI. the people that usually commit suicide are those that already had those thoughts, then became motivated with the new meds. i think you may have panic disorder more than an anxiety disorder (the chest pain/tightness is likely a panic attack).
You most likely have GAD
Generalized Anxiety Disorder.They will prolly give you Xanax...(for anxiety)
or another drug for it.I don't know why you would wait this long to go to a doctor. But whatever. Seems like a lot of unneeded **** to me.Get some meds girl.
If i get more sleep will my dark circles start to go away?
Yes, but there are creams that will speed up the process as well, if they don't go away faster than you'd like them to.
Yep. Get off Answers and hit the sack!
Maybe, if that's what it's caused by. If you try it and it doesn't work there are special creams you can buy at the drugstore that will reduce the appearance of the dark circles. Or you can visit a dermatologist and see what else can be done.
i have them too. they may get lighter if you get more rest but it might be genetic so they are there to stay. so what i am sure you still look great, i do!
yup lack of sleep is usually what causes them so getting more sleep will make them go away
Dark circles can treated with regular and gentle care. Cover your eyes with cotton soaked in lukewarm milk for 15 minutes everyday to remove the dark circles around your eyes or dip cotton pads into freshly extracted mint juice, flatten them and place them on closed eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes. Check out http://useinfo-darkcircles.blogspot.com/... for more info.
There are many causes of dark circles, from age, heredity, allergies, cold or sinus infection, bone structure and glasses which are not so commonly known.
If you would like to apply home remedies to reduce dark circles, here are some of my suggestions:
Buy a box of regular, old fashioned unflavored gelatin (e.g. Knox) from grocery store. Take a small cup or bowl and put in 1 teaspoon of the gelatin mix. Add one tablespoon of boiling water %26 stir for a minute. Test it on your wrist to make sure it is not too hot. Then, using a cotton ball, pat it under your eyes as you would an eye cream or gel. Go lie down and listen to some music, or take a bath %26 let it stay on for at least 30 minutes. Then just rinse it off.Gelatin is very high in Vitamin K %26 Biotin. It will not remove your dark circles on the first application (but you will notice a difference), but if you do it daily for a week, and then 2-3 times a week for maintenance, you should notice a drastic reduction in dark circles.
http://www.mydarkcirclesblog.com/2007/01...To conceal the dark circles, you can use YSL concealer or salmon concealer..http://www.mydarkcirclesblog.com... .. tips on how to reduce dark circles, the causes of dark circles, home remedies, eye creams reviews, make up tips, and natural healer.
If i get dizzy every time i go to bed.?
does this mean i have an ear problem? It only happens when i lie down
I used to have that problem. I would lay down and the bed would start spinning. My doctor called it vertigo, and gave me something to help equal out the fluid that was in my ears. They also gave me a series of exercises to do that would help this. It worked great. Talk to your doctor. Good Luck
It could be, or it could also be a problem with your blood pressure. You should go to a doctor if this happens a lot.
Have you tried sleeping standing up? Just kidding!! You may very well have an ear infection or vertigo. You really should see a doctor!Good Luck!
Inner ear infection would be my first guess. If that isn't it, have a doctor check your profusion, that is how quickly blood returns to a body part when it's had pressure put on it, or when you stand up quickly, etc. Also, check your blood pressure over the course of a couple of weeks to see if you have high or low blood pressure, or if it varies much. If none of these help, ask for a prescription of vertigone, or dramomine over the counter, I'll bet either would help.Good luck!
my grandmother would get dizzy when she lie down. talk to your doctor it could be an inner ear problem when you talk a shower do you get a lot of water in your ears. try ear plugs the wax kind.
Sweetbean is right! See doctor!
I used to have that problem. I would lay down and the bed would start spinning. My doctor called it vertigo, and gave me something to help equal out the fluid that was in my ears. They also gave me a series of exercises to do that would help this. It worked great. Talk to your doctor. Good Luck
It could be, or it could also be a problem with your blood pressure. You should go to a doctor if this happens a lot.
Have you tried sleeping standing up? Just kidding!! You may very well have an ear infection or vertigo. You really should see a doctor!Good Luck!
Inner ear infection would be my first guess. If that isn't it, have a doctor check your profusion, that is how quickly blood returns to a body part when it's had pressure put on it, or when you stand up quickly, etc. Also, check your blood pressure over the course of a couple of weeks to see if you have high or low blood pressure, or if it varies much. If none of these help, ask for a prescription of vertigone, or dramomine over the counter, I'll bet either would help.Good luck!
my grandmother would get dizzy when she lie down. talk to your doctor it could be an inner ear problem when you talk a shower do you get a lot of water in your ears. try ear plugs the wax kind.
Sweetbean is right! See doctor!
If I gave up smoking for 1 week,what would happen?Would I notice anything?Would it be worth it?
You may become a tad irritable but ultimately, your body would thank you. If you can kick it for a week, why not quit forever. You'd save yourself a fortune.
You would notice that you had more money in your pocket.
if you're only quitting for a week you're torturing yourself for nothing.
In one week?? Hmm, your taste and smell would haved improved a bit(even more over time).Your mouth wouldn't taste like a ashtray anymore. To you or anybody you kiss,lol.
Yes it's worth it because you may give up all together.The patterns I notice are:
2 days in craving at it's worst;
3-4 days get really chesty as my body works at getting rid of the cr*p and scillia "grow" back; Playing active sports feels easier after this "stage".
7-10 days I don't need cigarettes any more in an addictive sense (the desire is still there though if offered).
You would notice an improved sence off smell and taste, as smoking kills taste buds and impeeds smelling.
Also, you yourself would stops smelling awful, like an ash-trash. Your clothes, hair and house would start to smell much better.
And, you would save money!
Go for it and give up for good!
You'd be able to smell the extra money that you will save by not smoking.
Pffft,what with all the advertisements and bans on smoking in most places and graphic depictions on what smoking does to your body....what do ya reckon....Is it a good idea to kick the habit.It would only be worth giving up smoking if you convinced yourself to do it.
The lungs start repairing themselves within 24 hours, however when you first stop you probably won't feel that great as your body is withdrawing from a drug. Coughs and cold can occur.Instead of a week, try a month - your taste and smell improves massivelly, you'll sleep better, smell a lot less and hair and skin looks a lot better too, plus your wallet will be far heavierGood Luck x
if you CAN do it for one week the you could do it permanently - go for it - if i could do it for one day then i would never smoke again.
You may or may not notice the following changes to your body. I found this on a website with information about quitting smoking, I'll include the link below
-20 minutes after quitting: Your heart rate and blood pressure drops.
-12 hours after quitting: The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.
-2 weeks to 3 months after quitting: Your circulation improves and your lung function increases. If you were to quit for longer than one week:
-1 to 9 months after quitting: Coughing and shortness of breath decrease; cilia (tiny hair-like structures that move mucus out of the lungs) regain normal function in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce the risk of infection.
-1 year after quitting: The excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker's. -5 years after quitting: Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5 to 15 years after quitting. -10 years after quitting: The lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smoker's. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix, and pancreas decrease. 15 years after quitting: The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker's. Visible and Immediate Rewards of Quitting
Quitting helps stop the damaging effects of tobacco on your appearance including:
Premature wrinkling of the skin
Bad breath
Stained teeth
Gum disease
Bad smelling clothes and hair
Yellow fingernails
Kicking the tobacco habit offers benefits that you'll notice immediately and some that will develop gradually over time. These rewards can improve your day-to-day life immensely. Food tastes better.
Your sense of smell returns to normal
Ordinary activities no longer leave you out of breath (for example, climbing stairs or light housework)
The prospect of better health is a major reason for quitting, but there are others as well. Smoking is expensive. Anyone who quits smokinh will notice at least a small amount of rdtra xasg on hand. It isn't hard to figure out how much you spend on smoking: multiply how much money you spend on tobacco every day by 365 (days per year). The amount may surprise you. Now multiply that by the number of years you have been using tobacco and that amount will probably astound you. Multiply the cost per year by 10 (for the upcoming 10 years) and ask yourself what you would rather do with that much money.
To give up smoking for a week would be absolutely pointless.If you were intending to give up permanently the first week would see all the nicotine leave your body,the carbon in your lungs much reduced a cough would start to ease and the amount of fluid and phlegm would not be as great.It would be well worth while to continue as your lung function would improve and you would not cough or get out of breath so easily. Your blood pressure would be lower, thereby reducing the risks of heart attack or strokes.Your senses of taste and smell would improve.Your hair and clothes would not smell like a stale dustbin.The benefits increase week by week. After three months you will feel like a different person. You will get urges and pangs of wanting a cigarette, This is only normal. Try to keep occupied and your hands busy as it is in times of boredom and inactivity that the greatest urges will come.So to recap,after one week a certain amount of benefits but with the bulk of them yet to come.If you do not continue it is all a waste of time.Don't forget that you will also be much better off financially too.What will you do with the hundreds of pounds you save?
You will notice that after 10 days that your cravings arent as bad and giving up smoking period is worth your health. The cigarettes that i used to smoke makes my electric bill every month
It would definitely be worth it! And yes, you should feel the benefits. Firstly, your blood pressure and pulse rate should decrease to normal. The oxygen levels in your blood will increase and carbon monoxide levels will decrease in your blood. Your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke start to decrease. After a few days, you will be able to hold more air in your lungs. Breathing will become easier and you will have more energy. Your blood will also be less likely to clot. Now if I haven't listed enough to persuade you, you should seriously look at the long-term benefits if you quit the habit altogether. Good luck
If I don't keep my lacerated foot elevated, can I lose it?
I was cut by glass in the pool here in China, and I almost lost 30% of my "ring" toe. It was cut from top to the web between my "ring" toe and my little toe. The cut just barely grazed the bone. There seems to have been no damage to the bone or to any tendons, but I fear that if I don't keep it elevated, the pressure going to it can interrupt or disrupt the healing process. The part that kept it from being lost in the pool was a bit of skin 2mm wide.You're asking why I don't keep it elevated. My job demands that I be in the office everyday, and go from one room to the next, up and down stairs. Can I lose my toe, or the use of it? The part that was severed has no feeling.Please help!
there is always the possibility but i would keep the cut clean.i lost my left leg due to diabetes plus a lot of other health problems. if you smoke stop it could cause gangrene to set in. when you get home put your foot up as long as ou can. try not to walk any extra on it, ut needs time to heal
you probably wont loose your toe, the elevation is too keep swelling down which in turn keeps pain down. when you do get the chance to sit down, just prop up your foot on a box or upsidedown trash can. this will help
there is always the possibility but i would keep the cut clean.i lost my left leg due to diabetes plus a lot of other health problems. if you smoke stop it could cause gangrene to set in. when you get home put your foot up as long as ou can. try not to walk any extra on it, ut needs time to heal
you probably wont loose your toe, the elevation is too keep swelling down which in turn keeps pain down. when you do get the chance to sit down, just prop up your foot on a box or upsidedown trash can. this will help
If I don't have edema, white waxy skin or excrutiating pain (while on my meds) does that mean I don't have RSD
I don't experience all of the symptoms of RSD/CRPS yet I have been diagnosed with it. I have good weeks and bad weeks, but I do have to take my meds regularly. Cold weather, stress or if I bump my radial nerve causes my symptoms of moderate dysethesia, moderate allodynia with slow summation and moderate hyperalgesia. At times I cannot warm up my fingers (mainly on my affected hand) and this causes pain to shoot from my brachial area to my fingers. If my hands get cold (mainly affected hand) causes excrutiating burning feeling in my fingers.
As the poster above (Elizabeth) said, everyone with RSD is different. Some have more severe symptoms than others, some people have some symptoms and not others. One well-known RSD specialist once said that he's never seen a patient who had all of the symptoms described.Also, you specified that you don't have those symptoms while on your medications. If you had all of those things before, isn't it possible that the medications are working?I think it's important to note that when you read other people's RSD stories online, you're not getting a representative sample. The ones who stick around to post the stories are the ones who have had a hard time finding something that works. Many people, especially those treated in that six-month time window, get better quickly through traditional treatment. In addition, others find that their medications actually work, and therefore are able to resume their normal activities (and don't have the time or need to tell their RSD stories).I think that it's great that you seem to be doing fairly well on your medications. I did also read your post on Neurotalk (the site the poster above recommended). I would urge you to post it again, in a new thread. More people will see it that way and you'll get more feedback.Also, I wanted to add that because your symptoms are upper-extremity and you mentioned something about the "brachial area," you might also want to post on the TOS (thoracic outlet syndrome) forum on Neurotalk. They seem to be a pretty helpful group. TOS has a lot of symptomatic crossover with upper-extremity RSD. So it's worth asking about. I don't know much about it myself other than the symptoms, mostly because I have lower-extremity RSD.Good luck with your treatment, and I'll see you on the Neurotalk forum!
Why don't you check with your doctor?
Every person who has RSD/CRPS is different. The symptom list is just a generalized list of all of the possible symptoms, but you do not have to have every symptom on the "possible" symptoms list in order to be diagnosed.I don't know a whole lot about RSD/CRPS, but based on your symptoms, you do sound very similar to other people I know who have it.Below is a link to a great online-support group for RSD/CRPS that my friend uses all the time and she gets great support and lots of information and has made a lot of friends.www.neurotalk.org is the main page and from there you can scroll down to the section for RSD/CRPS
Like it has been said before; RSD/CRPS varies from patient to patient. Your symptoms do sound like RSD/CRPS to me, but I would go ahead and keep working with your doctor for treatments. I have several of the same symptoms, and I know I do have RSD/CRPS. I also do not experience all of the symptoms, and many patients do not experience all of the symptoms of the disease, again it varies from patient to patient. I'm glad that your pain is controlled fairly well while on your meds. I do not have good results from the medications and have had to go to a Spinal Cord stimulator for some relief. Good luck!
As the poster above (Elizabeth) said, everyone with RSD is different. Some have more severe symptoms than others, some people have some symptoms and not others. One well-known RSD specialist once said that he's never seen a patient who had all of the symptoms described.Also, you specified that you don't have those symptoms while on your medications. If you had all of those things before, isn't it possible that the medications are working?I think it's important to note that when you read other people's RSD stories online, you're not getting a representative sample. The ones who stick around to post the stories are the ones who have had a hard time finding something that works. Many people, especially those treated in that six-month time window, get better quickly through traditional treatment. In addition, others find that their medications actually work, and therefore are able to resume their normal activities (and don't have the time or need to tell their RSD stories).I think that it's great that you seem to be doing fairly well on your medications. I did also read your post on Neurotalk (the site the poster above recommended). I would urge you to post it again, in a new thread. More people will see it that way and you'll get more feedback.Also, I wanted to add that because your symptoms are upper-extremity and you mentioned something about the "brachial area," you might also want to post on the TOS (thoracic outlet syndrome) forum on Neurotalk. They seem to be a pretty helpful group. TOS has a lot of symptomatic crossover with upper-extremity RSD. So it's worth asking about. I don't know much about it myself other than the symptoms, mostly because I have lower-extremity RSD.Good luck with your treatment, and I'll see you on the Neurotalk forum!
Why don't you check with your doctor?
Every person who has RSD/CRPS is different. The symptom list is just a generalized list of all of the possible symptoms, but you do not have to have every symptom on the "possible" symptoms list in order to be diagnosed.I don't know a whole lot about RSD/CRPS, but based on your symptoms, you do sound very similar to other people I know who have it.Below is a link to a great online-support group for RSD/CRPS that my friend uses all the time and she gets great support and lots of information and has made a lot of friends.www.neurotalk.org is the main page and from there you can scroll down to the section for RSD/CRPS
Like it has been said before; RSD/CRPS varies from patient to patient. Your symptoms do sound like RSD/CRPS to me, but I would go ahead and keep working with your doctor for treatments. I have several of the same symptoms, and I know I do have RSD/CRPS. I also do not experience all of the symptoms, and many patients do not experience all of the symptoms of the disease, again it varies from patient to patient. I'm glad that your pain is controlled fairly well while on your meds. I do not have good results from the medications and have had to go to a Spinal Cord stimulator for some relief. Good luck!
If I do this now, will it make things worse later?
I have had a sore throat all week and I am so very tired of it. I have medicine and junk but they are taking too long to make my sore throat go away. Unfortunately the only thing I have been able to eat is oatmeal and soup. I am craving real solid food. I want a pizza or hamburgers or a full three course meal so badly. I haven't been eating much food at all because of illnesses i've been dealing with for a few weeks. So I was thinking maybe I could get Chloraseptic and numb my throat up and then eat whatever I want to. Would that work? Also if I did that would it make my throat feel worse once the spray wears off? Thanks.
I agree with everyone else you need to go back to doctor. Some antibiotics do not always work the first time around. You may very well need a different antibiotic. If your doctor gave you an antibiotic the first time it means you have some kind of bacterial infection possibly strep. If you have strep like one other person said and it goes untreated it can lead to more serious conditions one being kidney failure. Although it would take a long time for kidney failure but you see it is important to take care of. You really need to get back to your doctor or at least call him/her and let them know you are still having symptoms he may just call a new antibiotic in to your pharmacy. In the mean time I agree you need to stay away from the spicy and high acid foods. You may want to let your doctor know you are having these craving and how limited your diet has been for three weeks now. It may be that your body is lacking some nutrients because of your limited diet. This is often why we crave certain foods. If this is the case your doctor or his nurse may be able to counsel you on what you can eat until your throat is better to get those nutrients you are lacking. It may be as simple as adding a vitamin supplement. This may help curb the cravings. I hope you get better soon!
Just see or phone a doctor . Hope it helps !
Go to the doctors it sounds like you have strept, you need some medication.What helps when I get strept is to suck on hard candy, it coats your throat, so then I can manage to get down something solid. (Jolly ranchers are the best.)Also, tea tea tea tea tea tea. Tea is wonderful for sore throats. I could eat anything after sipping some tea. Try mixing some honey and lemon juice too. Or gargling salt water.Medication is the way the sore throat will really go away, though. I wouldn't try to numb my throat, it sounds a bit too risky. I would say that it'd make things worse later, just go to the doctor.
You may have strep throat and need some serious antibiotics. Strep, if untreated, can lead to other more serious illnesses.
You do not want to eat anything that has crunch or rough surfaces like pizza crust or crackers or even salad. Cut out anything acidic like tomatoes as well. So, pizza may not be the best choice.
Try a small hamburger with no lettuce or tomato, small bites.
Finally, See a doctor!
I agree with everyone else you need to go back to doctor. Some antibiotics do not always work the first time around. You may very well need a different antibiotic. If your doctor gave you an antibiotic the first time it means you have some kind of bacterial infection possibly strep. If you have strep like one other person said and it goes untreated it can lead to more serious conditions one being kidney failure. Although it would take a long time for kidney failure but you see it is important to take care of. You really need to get back to your doctor or at least call him/her and let them know you are still having symptoms he may just call a new antibiotic in to your pharmacy. In the mean time I agree you need to stay away from the spicy and high acid foods. You may want to let your doctor know you are having these craving and how limited your diet has been for three weeks now. It may be that your body is lacking some nutrients because of your limited diet. This is often why we crave certain foods. If this is the case your doctor or his nurse may be able to counsel you on what you can eat until your throat is better to get those nutrients you are lacking. It may be as simple as adding a vitamin supplement. This may help curb the cravings. I hope you get better soon!
Just see or phone a doctor . Hope it helps !
Go to the doctors it sounds like you have strept, you need some medication.What helps when I get strept is to suck on hard candy, it coats your throat, so then I can manage to get down something solid. (Jolly ranchers are the best.)Also, tea tea tea tea tea tea. Tea is wonderful for sore throats. I could eat anything after sipping some tea. Try mixing some honey and lemon juice too. Or gargling salt water.Medication is the way the sore throat will really go away, though. I wouldn't try to numb my throat, it sounds a bit too risky. I would say that it'd make things worse later, just go to the doctor.
You may have strep throat and need some serious antibiotics. Strep, if untreated, can lead to other more serious illnesses.
You do not want to eat anything that has crunch or rough surfaces like pizza crust or crackers or even salad. Cut out anything acidic like tomatoes as well. So, pizza may not be the best choice.
Try a small hamburger with no lettuce or tomato, small bites.
Finally, See a doctor!
If I do 40 push-ups everyday for 5 days in a row will I have gained any significant muscle?
Basicly I'm asking if I will gain any noticeable muscle tone and size in the coming 5 days.
Probabaly not, the first few weeks of intial weight training will result in neural adaptation (more efficient muscle contractions) and DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Your looking at a minimum of 3-4 weeks (with appropriate nutrition with a focus on protein) before you notice some changes in your muscle appearence.
Yes! I did that in one day and I knew I was stronger. =D
Ehh, I'd suggest you go maybe 100 push-ups everday for a few weeks to actually see something noticeable!!
it's possible, but you might stretch your muscles if you do it 5 days in a row. that would suck!
You will improve your strength and probably tone your arms, but you won't build size. To do that you need to use weights.If you do 3 sets of 40 a day (spread out) then in 5 days you may notice a difference in your arm shape, but not much I'm afraid.
Try 50 days, then you might notice a real difference.
You will gain but probably won't notice it much. Find a friend to look at you today and not see you for the 5 days and then ask again.
Probabaly not, the first few weeks of intial weight training will result in neural adaptation (more efficient muscle contractions) and DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Your looking at a minimum of 3-4 weeks (with appropriate nutrition with a focus on protein) before you notice some changes in your muscle appearence.
Yes! I did that in one day and I knew I was stronger. =D
Ehh, I'd suggest you go maybe 100 push-ups everday for a few weeks to actually see something noticeable!!
it's possible, but you might stretch your muscles if you do it 5 days in a row. that would suck!
You will improve your strength and probably tone your arms, but you won't build size. To do that you need to use weights.If you do 3 sets of 40 a day (spread out) then in 5 days you may notice a difference in your arm shape, but not much I'm afraid.
Try 50 days, then you might notice a real difference.
You will gain but probably won't notice it much. Find a friend to look at you today and not see you for the 5 days and then ask again.
If i die at another country, will they send my body back to my hometown?
depending if there is a family member there to recognize if not then they will just use u for medical purpose and it also depends in which country u die.
The answer is yes, but you need to make sure the local US Embassy knows you are in that country.If you're traveling alone, be sure to register at the local US Embassy. If you're traveling with others, you all can take a look at the local embassy's website (or that of the US Governement) to get a detailed explanation of the steps needed if one of your party dies abroad.Hopefully noone will have to take these steps on your trip!
most likely they will
If I cut off my right butt-cheek, will I be left behind?
Yes. Seek comedy relief.
it depends on if you are looking in the mirror
Most definitely.
No, you'd be a smart as*.
That's awesome! I'm "cracking up" right now--no pun intended.
only if you don't "save" it first.
If i cut myself, will it scar?
its not like cutting deepinto myskin, its nore of a slice, but i do bleed, im trying hard to stop.but i dont want scars. yea i know, im emo. get over it.
Before you make that first cut, remember--
You will find the blood and pain release addictive.
Even though you think you can make a few tiny cuts that aren't deep and will heal easily-- You must stop Cutting yourself look at life with hope and positive thinking clean your pain with happiness not blood and tears there is a better day BUT YOU MUST CREATE THAT DAY ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT NO ONE ELSE, PLEASE STOP CUTTING YOURSELF, PLEASEThey will get deeper.
They will scar.
They will take sometimes months to heal.
And years for the scars to fade.
If you think you can limit the cutting to one area of your body think again.
It will spread when you run out of skin.
Be prepared to withdraw from others and live in a constant state of shame.
Even if you are the most honest person ever to live--
You will find yourself lying to the people you love.
You will jerk back from your friends when they touch you as if their hands were dipped in poison.
You will be terrified that they will feel something under the cloth of your shirt or because it just plain hurts so much to be touched.
Be prepared to get so out of control you fear your next cut because you don't know how bad it will be.
Just wait for 10 cuts to turn into 100.
Be prepared for your entire life to revolve around thinking about cutting--
Cutting and covering up cutting.
And just wait till that first time you cut "too deep."
And you freak out because the blood won't stop...
And you are gasping...
And you feel yourself shaking all over.
You are having a panic attack and you are terrified but you can`t tell anyone.
So you sit there alone...
Praying it will be okay--
Swearing you'll never let it go this far again...
But you will, and further.
Don't worry, you will learn how to take care of your cuts so that you can go deeper and deeper and avoid the ER.
And the better you get at treating your cuts,
The deeper they get.
You will lie to yourself and justify it when you find youself spending 20, 30, or 50 dollars every time you go the pharmacy.
You will feel the flutter of your heartbeat everytime you go to the counter to ring up your order.
Butterfly strips--
3 or 4 different kinds of dressings...
Antibiotic cream...
Medical tape...
Scar reducers...
You will tap your foot impatiently hoping the line will just move and noone will stare at you or wonder why you need all these things.
And at the same time secretly hope someone will notice--
Someone who is standing in line with an armful of the same supplies.
Someone who understands--
But of course that never happens.
Medical supplies won't be the only thing you spend all your money on.
Be prepared to buy a new wardrobe--
Longsleeve shirts in summer colors, bracelets, wristbands, boots...
The list goes on and on.
You will start looking at everyone in a different way.
Scanning their bodies for any signs of SI.
Just hoping that you might meet someone like you so you don't feel so terribly alone.
You wont even think about it,
As your eyes scan their wrists arms.
Hoping, just hoping they will be like you.
But they are not.
You will see their clean arms and feel terribly ashamed and alone.
You will start doing a lot of things alone.
You will always have to wash your laundry in private so no one sees the blood stains on your clothes and towels.
You will always be cleaning up the blood.
Scrubbing your bathroom floor.
Wiping the blood off your keyboard.
You won't be able to make it through a day without cutting.
Next thing you know you are in a public bathroom somewhere breaking open a scab with a sewing needle that you keep in your wallet for emergencies.
When you get really desperate,
Anything will be a cutting tool...
Scissors...a car key...a needle...a paperclip...even a pen.
Doesn't matter what it is if you need to cut bad enough you will find something.
Say goodbye to things you took for granted.
Like wearing shorts or sandals...pedicures...sleevele... tops.
A normal summer day at the beach or in a swimming pool will become a far off memory for you.
Get ready to itch.
Because you will itch and itch.
So much you will look like you have fleas or a skin disease.
You will become an expert on your body as you destroy it carefully.
You will dream about cutting.
You will dream about being exposed.
It will haunt you day and night and take over your life.
You will wish you never made that first cut because while you absolutely hate cutting--
At the same time you love it and can not live without
Yes, it could result in scarring. I've had patients who formerly were cutters and their scars are horrible. They have them for life and it's forever a reminder of a stupid time in their life when they wished they got therapy and on some antidepressants.
well how deep r u cutting if you cut vein youre dead if you nick it its a scar it you just get a small blood wound then youre fine and where do you cut?
You don't say where you cut. Go the the nearest emergency room ASAP. Probably your will not scar. Don't play with your health!
Why would you but yourself, that just stupid, are you on LSD or something
Every cut has a scar left behind, especially if your not a surgeon doing the cutting or have a surgical scalpel. Get help with your disease its much easier than looking at scars for the rest of your life.
depends how bad it is
Why don't you see a doctor. Think is your emotions right? I heard that if you apply aro vera on cut or burn, there won't be scars. Maybe you can try it. My mum tried on it once after burn by hot oil and it recovers fast but can't remember if there is scar.
Before you make that first cut, remember--
You will find the blood and pain release addictive.
Even though you think you can make a few tiny cuts that aren't deep and will heal easily-- You must stop Cutting yourself look at life with hope and positive thinking clean your pain with happiness not blood and tears there is a better day BUT YOU MUST CREATE THAT DAY ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT NO ONE ELSE, PLEASE STOP CUTTING YOURSELF, PLEASEThey will get deeper.
They will scar.
They will take sometimes months to heal.
And years for the scars to fade.
If you think you can limit the cutting to one area of your body think again.
It will spread when you run out of skin.
Be prepared to withdraw from others and live in a constant state of shame.
Even if you are the most honest person ever to live--
You will find yourself lying to the people you love.
You will jerk back from your friends when they touch you as if their hands were dipped in poison.
You will be terrified that they will feel something under the cloth of your shirt or because it just plain hurts so much to be touched.
Be prepared to get so out of control you fear your next cut because you don't know how bad it will be.
Just wait for 10 cuts to turn into 100.
Be prepared for your entire life to revolve around thinking about cutting--
Cutting and covering up cutting.
And just wait till that first time you cut "too deep."
And you freak out because the blood won't stop...
And you are gasping...
And you feel yourself shaking all over.
You are having a panic attack and you are terrified but you can`t tell anyone.
So you sit there alone...
Praying it will be okay--
Swearing you'll never let it go this far again...
But you will, and further.
Don't worry, you will learn how to take care of your cuts so that you can go deeper and deeper and avoid the ER.
And the better you get at treating your cuts,
The deeper they get.
You will lie to yourself and justify it when you find youself spending 20, 30, or 50 dollars every time you go the pharmacy.
You will feel the flutter of your heartbeat everytime you go to the counter to ring up your order.
Butterfly strips--
3 or 4 different kinds of dressings...
Antibiotic cream...
Medical tape...
Scar reducers...
You will tap your foot impatiently hoping the line will just move and noone will stare at you or wonder why you need all these things.
And at the same time secretly hope someone will notice--
Someone who is standing in line with an armful of the same supplies.
Someone who understands--
But of course that never happens.
Medical supplies won't be the only thing you spend all your money on.
Be prepared to buy a new wardrobe--
Longsleeve shirts in summer colors, bracelets, wristbands, boots...
The list goes on and on.
You will start looking at everyone in a different way.
Scanning their bodies for any signs of SI.
Just hoping that you might meet someone like you so you don't feel so terribly alone.
You wont even think about it,
As your eyes scan their wrists arms.
Hoping, just hoping they will be like you.
But they are not.
You will see their clean arms and feel terribly ashamed and alone.
You will start doing a lot of things alone.
You will always have to wash your laundry in private so no one sees the blood stains on your clothes and towels.
You will always be cleaning up the blood.
Scrubbing your bathroom floor.
Wiping the blood off your keyboard.
You won't be able to make it through a day without cutting.
Next thing you know you are in a public bathroom somewhere breaking open a scab with a sewing needle that you keep in your wallet for emergencies.
When you get really desperate,
Anything will be a cutting tool...
Scissors...a car key...a needle...a paperclip...even a pen.
Doesn't matter what it is if you need to cut bad enough you will find something.
Say goodbye to things you took for granted.
Like wearing shorts or sandals...pedicures...sleevele... tops.
A normal summer day at the beach or in a swimming pool will become a far off memory for you.
Get ready to itch.
Because you will itch and itch.
So much you will look like you have fleas or a skin disease.
You will become an expert on your body as you destroy it carefully.
You will dream about cutting.
You will dream about being exposed.
It will haunt you day and night and take over your life.
You will wish you never made that first cut because while you absolutely hate cutting--
At the same time you love it and can not live without
Yes, it could result in scarring. I've had patients who formerly were cutters and their scars are horrible. They have them for life and it's forever a reminder of a stupid time in their life when they wished they got therapy and on some antidepressants.
well how deep r u cutting if you cut vein youre dead if you nick it its a scar it you just get a small blood wound then youre fine and where do you cut?
You don't say where you cut. Go the the nearest emergency room ASAP. Probably your will not scar. Don't play with your health!
Why would you but yourself, that just stupid, are you on LSD or something
Every cut has a scar left behind, especially if your not a surgeon doing the cutting or have a surgical scalpel. Get help with your disease its much easier than looking at scars for the rest of your life.
depends how bad it is
Why don't you see a doctor. Think is your emotions right? I heard that if you apply aro vera on cut or burn, there won't be scars. Maybe you can try it. My mum tried on it once after burn by hot oil and it recovers fast but can't remember if there is scar.
If I contracted tetanus, would getting my booster within 24 hours of the infection help?
I'm up-to-date on all of my other tetanus boosters and immunizations; it's just the TD2 on which I'm behind...I had it 7 years ago, not 5. I received a wound that is approximately 1/2 inch deep today (from a metal object) and thus I'm a little concerned. (Yes, I'm a worrier.)I'm going to try to get the booster tomorrow morning. Would it prevent a tetanus infection at that point?
Well i think you should get the shot instead of the booster.
Tetanus will affect you pretty quicky so you should go asap if the metal was rusted. My husband had never had a shot and when he scratched himself on some rusted metal he didn't worry about it. For some reason he started stressing out a couple of days later and went to the hospital. They gave him a shot but the doctor said that there is no need to worry about it now as if something was going to happen it would happen soon after. On a tv show they had a guy who scratched himself on rusted wore and he died that afternoon. I know it is only a tv show but there should be some truth in it.
Well, you can exhale. Actually, for routine purposes tetanus is good for about 10 years for the normal cuts, scratches and bangs we get. They do prefer to have a recent- meaning within a year or two, in the case of a nasty high risk wound. Unless your wound involved a lot of dirt, saliva or feces- like if you were cut in the barnyard, then your old vaccination more that likely covers you fine. The incubation period for tetanus is about 7-8 days, so even if you were massively infected with tetanus baccili, a jab tomorrow would do just fine. You also have onboard immunity from those old vaccinations, which would buy you even more time. So, you can find something else to worry about. If the wound wasn't bad enough to send you to the ER in the first place, it more than likely wasn't enough to infect you with anything like Tetanus. That's not to say it can't get infected with something else, but as far as lockjaw- you're pretty safe.
Well i think you should get the shot instead of the booster.
Tetanus will affect you pretty quicky so you should go asap if the metal was rusted. My husband had never had a shot and when he scratched himself on some rusted metal he didn't worry about it. For some reason he started stressing out a couple of days later and went to the hospital. They gave him a shot but the doctor said that there is no need to worry about it now as if something was going to happen it would happen soon after. On a tv show they had a guy who scratched himself on rusted wore and he died that afternoon. I know it is only a tv show but there should be some truth in it.
Well, you can exhale. Actually, for routine purposes tetanus is good for about 10 years for the normal cuts, scratches and bangs we get. They do prefer to have a recent- meaning within a year or two, in the case of a nasty high risk wound. Unless your wound involved a lot of dirt, saliva or feces- like if you were cut in the barnyard, then your old vaccination more that likely covers you fine. The incubation period for tetanus is about 7-8 days, so even if you were massively infected with tetanus baccili, a jab tomorrow would do just fine. You also have onboard immunity from those old vaccinations, which would buy you even more time. So, you can find something else to worry about. If the wound wasn't bad enough to send you to the ER in the first place, it more than likely wasn't enough to infect you with anything like Tetanus. That's not to say it can't get infected with something else, but as far as lockjaw- you're pretty safe.
If i buy an accident insurance,how long does it go into effect?
you ask this and a dying question, planing of suicide?
As long as you keep paying your monthly or annual premiums on it, it will stay in effect.
killing yourself is not accidental. your kids get nothing, except a dead mom.
If an inexperienced surgeon performs laparascopic cholecystectomy, are there chances of injuring liver?
The patient was admitted for lap cholecystectomy with the assurance of getting back home in 3 days. The lap cholecystectomy was followed by open cholecystectomy, the reason said by the surgeon was that there was found bleeding in the liver. The patient was otherwise very healthy, had no past history of any surgery. I want to know if the bleeding in the liver was a result of medical misadventure during laparascopic cholecystectomy by the inefficient surgeon and so a subsequent open cholecystectomy (which was a major surgery) was performed? The surgeon never owned up his error. The patient actually expired some 15 days later.
Its possible. The hospital keeps record of each operation that leads to death and examines them. If there was an error on the part of the surgeon, (and other things can go wrong that aren't his fault too don't forget) it will be in the records.
To see them you need a lawyer.
yes it is very possible..and does happen.consult with an attorney and they will be able to help you go through the medical records of the deceased..don't wait..
Yes! Yes! all mighty lord yes!
Probably was a result of the laproscopic procedure and liver was probably nicked. Your liver does not just spontaneously start bleeding unless there is something wrong with the liver.
yes, and very sad that it happened, time to get a lawyer
if the gall bladder was inflamed and required removal, it is not at all outside the realm of possibility that the liver, to which the gall bladder is attached, became inflammed and bled as well. The liver is a highly vascular organ, and it doesn't take much at all to cause it to bleed. In fact, it could have been undiagnosed liver problems that led to the gall bladder problem in the first place. Be that as it may, there are risks to any surgery, laparoscopy notwithstanding, and the patient would have been informed of those risks, which include internal bleeds, and signed the consent for surgery knowing those risks. It would surprise me if you were able to have a successful case in a court. By the way, a choleycystectomy, whether done open or laparoscopically is considered major surgery, with all risks inherent thereto.
I would suggest that if the patient was a family member, you request that someone at the hospital go over the records with you so you can find out the details. Then, if you find that something seems out of place, would be the time to consult an attorney.
Its possible. The hospital keeps record of each operation that leads to death and examines them. If there was an error on the part of the surgeon, (and other things can go wrong that aren't his fault too don't forget) it will be in the records.
To see them you need a lawyer.
yes it is very possible..and does happen.consult with an attorney and they will be able to help you go through the medical records of the deceased..don't wait..
Yes! Yes! all mighty lord yes!
Probably was a result of the laproscopic procedure and liver was probably nicked. Your liver does not just spontaneously start bleeding unless there is something wrong with the liver.
yes, and very sad that it happened, time to get a lawyer
if the gall bladder was inflamed and required removal, it is not at all outside the realm of possibility that the liver, to which the gall bladder is attached, became inflammed and bled as well. The liver is a highly vascular organ, and it doesn't take much at all to cause it to bleed. In fact, it could have been undiagnosed liver problems that led to the gall bladder problem in the first place. Be that as it may, there are risks to any surgery, laparoscopy notwithstanding, and the patient would have been informed of those risks, which include internal bleeds, and signed the consent for surgery knowing those risks. It would surprise me if you were able to have a successful case in a court. By the way, a choleycystectomy, whether done open or laparoscopically is considered major surgery, with all risks inherent thereto.
I would suggest that if the patient was a family member, you request that someone at the hospital go over the records with you so you can find out the details. Then, if you find that something seems out of place, would be the time to consult an attorney.
If a teen girl smoked a couple rounds of pot in on night how long would it take for her too test clean?
what are some natural or unnatural remedies that she could try in order to be clean for her drug scan?
from personal experience and trial and error with lots of old wives tales, if you dont smoke regularly and this night of pot smoking came more or less out of the blue then you really have nothing to worry about, excessive smoking is what effects your system. if you are worried simply drink lots and lots of water but like i said if this isnt something you do regularly you have nothing to worry about it more than likely wont even be in your system at all.im sure youll be fine, good luck! =)
I think it take a month. cranberry juice works i believe. And i think they have pills to flush your system out. Drink A LOT so you go to the bathroom stuff like that i've heard of.
It can stay in your system for up to 30 days. Drink a lot of water. If you think you are going to have to take a drug test, go to any grocery store, in the canning section there is this stuff called Certo, it is used for jellies. The day u have to take your drug test wake up, pee, drink a huge bottle of water or gatorade (gatorade is best, it cuts the taste) with one packet of Certo mixed in. Pee one more time before the test, continue to drink lots of water or some other non acidic, non carbonated liquid, then take the test within 2 hours of drinking the Certo. It will gum up your system just long enough to where u should test clean, if you have only smoked a couple of times. This only works for pee tests, if you have to take a blood test sorry sweetie but ur screwed... good luck
oh and there's other detox stuff u can buy at health food stores but they can be really expensive...Also I know 3 ppl who have used this method myself included and it has worked for all 3 of us
it normally stays in your system for 30 days but. there is something you can buy at the Like GNC or something it's called Detox. You might want to google it first.
Totally depends on metabolism, weight, and whether or not one is a seldom, occasional, or frequent user. According to one website I checked "The amount of time depends on several factors such as how much a person has smoked, how long a person has smoked for, and the method used to detect THC or its metabolites. Marijuana can be detected in urine, blood and saliva using methods called thin layer chromatography, high pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, enzyme immunoassay and radioimmunoassay. The most psychoactive ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is broken down into several other compounds that are also psychoactive. The half-life of THC is about 24 hours. However, the metabolites of THC can be detected for 45 to 60 days after the last use." (http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/ma...Since marijuana is an illegal substance (whether you agree with it's legality or not doesn't change it) you're better off avoiding it.
The Marijuana Drug Test detection time-urinalysis
Light smoker or acute dosage 1-3 days
Moderate use (4x / week) 3-5 days
Heavy smoker (daily) 10 days
Heavy, chronic use (5+ joints/day) 10-21+ days
Oral ingestion 1-5 days
from personal experience and trial and error with lots of old wives tales, if you dont smoke regularly and this night of pot smoking came more or less out of the blue then you really have nothing to worry about, excessive smoking is what effects your system. if you are worried simply drink lots and lots of water but like i said if this isnt something you do regularly you have nothing to worry about it more than likely wont even be in your system at all.im sure youll be fine, good luck! =)
I think it take a month. cranberry juice works i believe. And i think they have pills to flush your system out. Drink A LOT so you go to the bathroom stuff like that i've heard of.
It can stay in your system for up to 30 days. Drink a lot of water. If you think you are going to have to take a drug test, go to any grocery store, in the canning section there is this stuff called Certo, it is used for jellies. The day u have to take your drug test wake up, pee, drink a huge bottle of water or gatorade (gatorade is best, it cuts the taste) with one packet of Certo mixed in. Pee one more time before the test, continue to drink lots of water or some other non acidic, non carbonated liquid, then take the test within 2 hours of drinking the Certo. It will gum up your system just long enough to where u should test clean, if you have only smoked a couple of times. This only works for pee tests, if you have to take a blood test sorry sweetie but ur screwed... good luck
oh and there's other detox stuff u can buy at health food stores but they can be really expensive...Also I know 3 ppl who have used this method myself included and it has worked for all 3 of us
it normally stays in your system for 30 days but. there is something you can buy at the Like GNC or something it's called Detox. You might want to google it first.
Totally depends on metabolism, weight, and whether or not one is a seldom, occasional, or frequent user. According to one website I checked "The amount of time depends on several factors such as how much a person has smoked, how long a person has smoked for, and the method used to detect THC or its metabolites. Marijuana can be detected in urine, blood and saliva using methods called thin layer chromatography, high pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, enzyme immunoassay and radioimmunoassay. The most psychoactive ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is broken down into several other compounds that are also psychoactive. The half-life of THC is about 24 hours. However, the metabolites of THC can be detected for 45 to 60 days after the last use." (http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/ma...Since marijuana is an illegal substance (whether you agree with it's legality or not doesn't change it) you're better off avoiding it.
The Marijuana Drug Test detection time-urinalysis
Light smoker or acute dosage 1-3 days
Moderate use (4x / week) 3-5 days
Heavy smoker (daily) 10 days
Heavy, chronic use (5+ joints/day) 10-21+ days
Oral ingestion 1-5 days
If a person is seriously injured on someones rented prop.,who's liable for med. bills?
I was riding someones horse,that kept begging me to come by and do so. I was thrown off,onto a pile of rocks,breaking my neck,and leg.I had to be lifeflighted to Hosp.,underwent 10 hrs.,surgery,and now have a plate,and 6 screws in my leg and 17 screws in my neck.Obviously unable to return to my seasonal job,I have no income! Who is liable for the bills?
You didn't mention the state this took place in so it's hard, no it's impossible to tell. You may want to ask legal aid, it's free and you'll get the right advice.PS When people were telling you to "get screwed" they didn't mean it like this. (My brother told me that when I laid in a hospital bed with two "plates" and six screws in my neck).
if they have renters insurance, which they SHOULD, they would be liable.
Renters insurance and the proerty owner's insurance should cover this, file a claim.
Who does the horse belong too? That person should be notified.....
The person renting the property should have insurance coverage, which would include liability. However, those policies may only have $100,000 - $300,000 worth of coverage. You may also have to go against the property owner's insurance to get yourself back on your feet again. I would contact an attorney, as this is serious.
I'm sorry about your accident.
Did THEY scare your horse and make it throw you?
YOU chose to ride the horse.
YOU should be responsible.
Unless you can hold the horse responsible, then the horse pays. ;)
If I rented a car and crashed onto someone else's property, how can they be responsible for my injuries?
The 3 words I hate to use.contact an attorney.
If you've injured on actual property, like you fall off the porch, or you step into a hole in the house, things like that, then the homeowners are responsible. You chose to ride the horse, and, I hate to say it, but, you are responsible for your medical bills. You would have to show homeowner negligence in order to receive retribution. You made the decision to ride, even though you were invited, it's your responsibility.
The homeowner's property insurance should be covering your costs. As far as a permanent disability and income, you certainly must seek legal advice from an attorney, I've no idea what kind of settlement you would be getting.
You didn't mention the state this took place in so it's hard, no it's impossible to tell. You may want to ask legal aid, it's free and you'll get the right advice.PS When people were telling you to "get screwed" they didn't mean it like this. (My brother told me that when I laid in a hospital bed with two "plates" and six screws in my neck).
if they have renters insurance, which they SHOULD, they would be liable.
Renters insurance and the proerty owner's insurance should cover this, file a claim.
Who does the horse belong too? That person should be notified.....
The person renting the property should have insurance coverage, which would include liability. However, those policies may only have $100,000 - $300,000 worth of coverage. You may also have to go against the property owner's insurance to get yourself back on your feet again. I would contact an attorney, as this is serious.
I'm sorry about your accident.
Did THEY scare your horse and make it throw you?
YOU chose to ride the horse.
YOU should be responsible.
Unless you can hold the horse responsible, then the horse pays. ;)
If I rented a car and crashed onto someone else's property, how can they be responsible for my injuries?
The 3 words I hate to use.contact an attorney.
If you've injured on actual property, like you fall off the porch, or you step into a hole in the house, things like that, then the homeowners are responsible. You chose to ride the horse, and, I hate to say it, but, you are responsible for your medical bills. You would have to show homeowner negligence in order to receive retribution. You made the decision to ride, even though you were invited, it's your responsibility.
The homeowner's property insurance should be covering your costs. As far as a permanent disability and income, you certainly must seek legal advice from an attorney, I've no idea what kind of settlement you would be getting.
If a neuropathy patient on lyrica walked more than usual, would that make the pain increase even though they?
took the medication that usually helps!
I'm having it worse than I would normally if I did not take medication at all.
My boss made me do a lot of walking tonight. I had to walk around the store like 35 minutes doing errands.
Any time you increase your movements the pain is going to increase. The best you can do is take a hot bath with 2c. of that Epsom salts and soak for twenty minutes. This will help relieve some of the pain. You may need to take an additional pain medication until the nerves have calmed down. do your best to rest as much as possible today.
Lots of extra movement can have an effect on your pain level. Even though you have taken your medication if you would have not taken and then you did as much walking you would have been in more pain that you are now. Most likely you need some rest to help so that things can calm down from all of the walking. I know that when I walk more than normal my pain goes up and I just have to give it time to calm down.
I'm having it worse than I would normally if I did not take medication at all.
My boss made me do a lot of walking tonight. I had to walk around the store like 35 minutes doing errands.
Any time you increase your movements the pain is going to increase. The best you can do is take a hot bath with 2c. of that Epsom salts and soak for twenty minutes. This will help relieve some of the pain. You may need to take an additional pain medication until the nerves have calmed down. do your best to rest as much as possible today.
Lots of extra movement can have an effect on your pain level. Even though you have taken your medication if you would have not taken and then you did as much walking you would have been in more pain that you are now. Most likely you need some rest to help so that things can calm down from all of the walking. I know that when I walk more than normal my pain goes up and I just have to give it time to calm down.
If a monkey were to bite you...?
What kind of medicine would the doctor give you?
he would give you the shot against rabbies if the monkey has rabbiest there not suppose to when there indoor monkeys and maybe they can give you antibiotics.
^ What he said. Plus a tetanus shot. Depends on what type of primate it was though. I've seen some pictures of a person's face after a bite... not pretty.
antibiotic / then the monkey should be quartineed / like a dog / has it had all shots ?/ if not /shame on u
maybe pills
i dont know but you could pull its hair till it stopped biting you:) har har!
It should be treated with tetanus booster, an antibiotic, possibility of rabies shot (to be followed with a regiment of shots for rabies) animal control will be reported to as well as the Department of health. Did you get bitten?
he would give you the shot against rabbies if the monkey has rabbiest there not suppose to when there indoor monkeys and maybe they can give you antibiotics.
^ What he said. Plus a tetanus shot. Depends on what type of primate it was though. I've seen some pictures of a person's face after a bite... not pretty.
antibiotic / then the monkey should be quartineed / like a dog / has it had all shots ?/ if not /shame on u
maybe pills
i dont know but you could pull its hair till it stopped biting you:) har har!
It should be treated with tetanus booster, an antibiotic, possibility of rabies shot (to be followed with a regiment of shots for rabies) animal control will be reported to as well as the Department of health. Did you get bitten?
If a jellyfish stung you on the tongue,would you let the big brother twins wee in your mouth to stop the pain?
Apparently urinating on a jellyfish sting stops the pain, would you let the big brother twins urinate in your mouth or would you try to tolerate the excruciating pain?
why wait till your stung, i'll gargle it right now
That would be taking the p i s s
I'd get stung deliberately !!
I would just convince myself that i loved the pain
i would tolerate the pain... I would not like the salty taste of urine in my mouth... disgusting. what if you swollowed it!?! To me i wouldnt let them GROSS. There has to be something a doctor can do to ease the pain .
I think if a jelly fish stung you on the tongue (denpending on what kind of jellyfish it was) it would kill you, so if it helped i'd let my granny pee in my mouth. eeewwwww no that just nasty!
i wouldn't let them p i ss on me if i was on fire. and also to answer your question they're that dumb they'd probably miss and pee on your leg
I don't watch BB Mate, buf we are talking about Pinky %26 Perkie....No thanks. Lol.
yes i would,but if only i could return the favor anyway you should not kiss jellyfish that's just wrong
Um, just what the hell were you doing to that jellyfish?
only if their wee wee loked good but generally speaking if they were cute and I liked them I would let them before I got stung and then I wouldn't have gotten stung to begin with. E-mail me and let me know if you are cute enough and we'll go from there.
N E V E R !!
i wouldnt give them the satisfaction of pissing in my mouth!!
i dont think so i would rather suffer anyday i wouldnt even let my partner wee in my mouth let alone the twins lol xxx
why wait till your stung, i'll gargle it right now
That would be taking the p i s s
I'd get stung deliberately !!
I would just convince myself that i loved the pain
i would tolerate the pain... I would not like the salty taste of urine in my mouth... disgusting. what if you swollowed it!?! To me i wouldnt let them GROSS. There has to be something a doctor can do to ease the pain .
I think if a jelly fish stung you on the tongue (denpending on what kind of jellyfish it was) it would kill you, so if it helped i'd let my granny pee in my mouth. eeewwwww no that just nasty!
i wouldn't let them p i ss on me if i was on fire. and also to answer your question they're that dumb they'd probably miss and pee on your leg
I don't watch BB Mate, buf we are talking about Pinky %26 Perkie....No thanks. Lol.
yes i would,but if only i could return the favor anyway you should not kiss jellyfish that's just wrong
Um, just what the hell were you doing to that jellyfish?
only if their wee wee loked good but generally speaking if they were cute and I liked them I would let them before I got stung and then I wouldn't have gotten stung to begin with. E-mail me and let me know if you are cute enough and we'll go from there.
N E V E R !!
i wouldnt give them the satisfaction of pissing in my mouth!!
i dont think so i would rather suffer anyday i wouldnt even let my partner wee in my mouth let alone the twins lol xxx
If my bunghole is itchy what do i do?
please i need to know it wont stop (this is not spam or a joke)
i really dont know what to do please help me
Maybe some preparation-H
Put some desitin or some anti itch cream on it.
Try some baby oil...it might help..it helpz babies
grow up. scratch it, and use a hemeroid cream.
use an anti-itch cream or a hemroid cream. see if that helps, if not, go see a doctor. seriously. It could be nothing, or could be a sign of something else for a guy.
Glue some sand paper to a dowel and put it into an electric drill chuck. Drop your shorts and impale your "bunghole" on it while spinning. If that does not stop the each press the reverse button. Lame question.
You may have a case of the roids for which you can buy an over the counter solution (Preparation H or Tucks medicated pads). Or you may have some irritation from stool coming into contact with the area. You may want to use some premoistened towelettes/wipes. The sell them for grown ups now... Good luck... no one likes an itchy bum
Did u wipe good? Some times if the wiping is not done correctly it will itch.try soaking in a warm tub for awhile, that might help..
put two fingers in it and call me in the morning
There could be different reasons. One, of course, is hygiene. Another is hemorroids. If you have either been constipated or had diarrhea, those can bring hemorroids on. But, another issue is that you could have worms. If this does not clear up in a couple days with those moistened toweletts, then you may want to leave a stool sample at your doctors to check for internal parasites (worms). Having an itch there is no fun, good luck!
clean your *** every now and then
maybe when you showered you did not get all the soap out of your crack rinse real good may be hemorrhoids try med's for that
i really dont know what to do please help me
Maybe some preparation-H
Put some desitin or some anti itch cream on it.
Try some baby oil...it might help..it helpz babies
grow up. scratch it, and use a hemeroid cream.
use an anti-itch cream or a hemroid cream. see if that helps, if not, go see a doctor. seriously. It could be nothing, or could be a sign of something else for a guy.
Glue some sand paper to a dowel and put it into an electric drill chuck. Drop your shorts and impale your "bunghole" on it while spinning. If that does not stop the each press the reverse button. Lame question.
You may have a case of the roids for which you can buy an over the counter solution (Preparation H or Tucks medicated pads). Or you may have some irritation from stool coming into contact with the area. You may want to use some premoistened towelettes/wipes. The sell them for grown ups now... Good luck... no one likes an itchy bum
Did u wipe good? Some times if the wiping is not done correctly it will itch.try soaking in a warm tub for awhile, that might help..
put two fingers in it and call me in the morning
There could be different reasons. One, of course, is hygiene. Another is hemorroids. If you have either been constipated or had diarrhea, those can bring hemorroids on. But, another issue is that you could have worms. If this does not clear up in a couple days with those moistened toweletts, then you may want to leave a stool sample at your doctors to check for internal parasites (worms). Having an itch there is no fun, good luck!
clean your *** every now and then
maybe when you showered you did not get all the soap out of your crack rinse real good may be hemorrhoids try med's for that
Identify spider by bite?
I was crawling around in my back yard (Michigan) and didn't notice anything. I did see a brown spider that with leg span was about the size of a nickel. It was light brown and had no distinct markings. I now have a bite near my knee that has a bruise surrounding it, two small marks in the middle (puncture) and has a lump that is VERY sensitive to the touch. What should I do?
I would get it checked out, it may have been a brown recluse spider. If it was it will get very bad and fast. My son was bitten just a couple days ago from a spider (not brown recluse) but it got infected and he is now on antibiotics. It got very large and inflamed , about 8 inches across just overnight. keep an eye on it. (Wisconsin)
Could be a Brown Recluse bite. Go to a Doctor.
Go to a health clinic or ER. you already see puncture marks and anytime there is redness, pain, swelling and a spider is seen in close proximity it is most likely a spider bite and you should definitely get it checked immediately in case it is poison and could be damaging to body tissue.
I would get it checked out, it may have been a brown recluse spider. If it was it will get very bad and fast. My son was bitten just a couple days ago from a spider (not brown recluse) but it got infected and he is now on antibiotics. It got very large and inflamed , about 8 inches across just overnight. keep an eye on it. (Wisconsin)
Could be a Brown Recluse bite. Go to a Doctor.
Go to a health clinic or ER. you already see puncture marks and anytime there is redness, pain, swelling and a spider is seen in close proximity it is most likely a spider bite and you should definitely get it checked immediately in case it is poison and could be damaging to body tissue.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ibuprofen vs paracetamol?
Can anyone tell me when its best to take ibuprofen and when its best to take paracetamol?
Ibuprofen, or Motrin, contains an anti-inflammatory agent, which paracetamol does not. Ibuprofen is better as a pain reliever when a there is muscular pain due to injury or inflammation- such as a strain, sprain, or arthritis. It has a certain amount of anti-pyretic qualities, which also make it useful for controlling fevers. Paracetamol, acetominaphen and Tylenol are all the same drug. They are excellent for non-aspirn control of fevers, and have some pain relieving qualities as well. They do not have any effect on inflammation or inflammatory processes though. For the garden variety headache, either would be effective. For fever control, they can be taken alternately to provide constant fever supression so long as each drug is taken alternately every 2 hours, so that the individual doses remain four hours apart. They are both proven safe to use with children, with both drugs having child appropriate dosages available in liquid and tablet form. One needs to be more cautious of overdose potential with paracetemol than ibuprofen, though it is possible to overdose with either drug. Taken as directed this in not usually a problem.
A general guide for deciding which to take is to determine if the pain involves muscles or injury to muscles. Ibuprofen is more effective at relieving headaches due to tension, than paracetamol, for cramps, strains and sprains, and back or joint pain, since more often than not inflammation is involved. If the problem is strictly fever, or if the pain is not due to muscles, then paracetamol can be equally effective. Large doses of either should be taken with food or milk to help prevent gastric upsets. And both can be taken in conjunction with one another without worrying about a drug interaction. In fact, paracetimol and ibuprofen are used with opiates like codeine to manage severe pain because they will allow less codeine to be needed. Tylenol #3 is the most familiar use of this combination- paracetamol and codeine are quite common after surgery and dental extractions.
Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory so good for muscle aches, etc Parecetomol is good for reducing fever and less severe pain. I always take Ibuprofen if parecetomol doesn't help. Don't take both together though.
I avoid them both. They give me chronic stomach cramps.
Ibuprofen is supposed to be good for injuries. I found that I started something quite nasty in my stomach when I had a bad knee.I stick to paracetamol now, as it is a good all round pain killer and doesn't hurt my stomach. Both need to be taken in moderation though.
Its perfectly safe to take both together.
Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory (reduces swelling) paracetemol is a simple analgesic and also reduces temperature.
there is no best time to take either. I mean they're both basically pain killers except ibuprofen is known to be more effective and paracetamol can be for fever. Either can be good depending on your situation
but make sure to not take them when your stomach is empty
You can take them both at the same time if you wish. They both have very similar analgesic properties. If you have pain then paracetamol would be your first choice as it has less potential of side effects, but if the pain does not subside after an hour or so, take an ibuprofen.paracetamol is also known to help reduce fevers.Remember though, its not advisable to overdo it with medicines. If you are in constant pain then you should visit your doc.
Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti inflammatory, therefore best to take for conditions that cause inflammation, strains, muscular injuries, swelling, etc.
Paracetamol is a simple analgesic which also lowers fever, so best to take for headaches, infections which have fever and skeletal pain. Ibuprofen and paracetamol taken together (obviously at the recommended daily doses) make a effective pain killer for moderate pain.
You can take them both together for the right ailment. Take a look on nhsdirect.nhs.uk
Take both with food or you will be sick with stomach cramps.
For severe pain, I've taken both at the same time; I phoned the chemist first to check this was OK, of course.You must be careful not to take more than the allowed amount for both of these. Also, with paracetamol, do eat something with it, even if it's just a biscuit, otherwise it can make you feel queasy.
they are both very effective. it is a matter of personal choice. it depends on which you get better results from. one may be more effective on you than the other. consult your doctor. there may be other medications that better suits your condition.
Ibuprofen, or Motrin, contains an anti-inflammatory agent, which paracetamol does not. Ibuprofen is better as a pain reliever when a there is muscular pain due to injury or inflammation- such as a strain, sprain, or arthritis. It has a certain amount of anti-pyretic qualities, which also make it useful for controlling fevers. Paracetamol, acetominaphen and Tylenol are all the same drug. They are excellent for non-aspirn control of fevers, and have some pain relieving qualities as well. They do not have any effect on inflammation or inflammatory processes though. For the garden variety headache, either would be effective. For fever control, they can be taken alternately to provide constant fever supression so long as each drug is taken alternately every 2 hours, so that the individual doses remain four hours apart. They are both proven safe to use with children, with both drugs having child appropriate dosages available in liquid and tablet form. One needs to be more cautious of overdose potential with paracetemol than ibuprofen, though it is possible to overdose with either drug. Taken as directed this in not usually a problem.
A general guide for deciding which to take is to determine if the pain involves muscles or injury to muscles. Ibuprofen is more effective at relieving headaches due to tension, than paracetamol, for cramps, strains and sprains, and back or joint pain, since more often than not inflammation is involved. If the problem is strictly fever, or if the pain is not due to muscles, then paracetamol can be equally effective. Large doses of either should be taken with food or milk to help prevent gastric upsets. And both can be taken in conjunction with one another without worrying about a drug interaction. In fact, paracetimol and ibuprofen are used with opiates like codeine to manage severe pain because they will allow less codeine to be needed. Tylenol #3 is the most familiar use of this combination- paracetamol and codeine are quite common after surgery and dental extractions.
Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory so good for muscle aches, etc Parecetomol is good for reducing fever and less severe pain. I always take Ibuprofen if parecetomol doesn't help. Don't take both together though.
I avoid them both. They give me chronic stomach cramps.
Ibuprofen is supposed to be good for injuries. I found that I started something quite nasty in my stomach when I had a bad knee.I stick to paracetamol now, as it is a good all round pain killer and doesn't hurt my stomach. Both need to be taken in moderation though.
Its perfectly safe to take both together.
Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory (reduces swelling) paracetemol is a simple analgesic and also reduces temperature.
there is no best time to take either. I mean they're both basically pain killers except ibuprofen is known to be more effective and paracetamol can be for fever. Either can be good depending on your situation
but make sure to not take them when your stomach is empty
You can take them both at the same time if you wish. They both have very similar analgesic properties. If you have pain then paracetamol would be your first choice as it has less potential of side effects, but if the pain does not subside after an hour or so, take an ibuprofen.paracetamol is also known to help reduce fevers.Remember though, its not advisable to overdo it with medicines. If you are in constant pain then you should visit your doc.
Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti inflammatory, therefore best to take for conditions that cause inflammation, strains, muscular injuries, swelling, etc.
Paracetamol is a simple analgesic which also lowers fever, so best to take for headaches, infections which have fever and skeletal pain. Ibuprofen and paracetamol taken together (obviously at the recommended daily doses) make a effective pain killer for moderate pain.
You can take them both together for the right ailment. Take a look on nhsdirect.nhs.uk
Take both with food or you will be sick with stomach cramps.
For severe pain, I've taken both at the same time; I phoned the chemist first to check this was OK, of course.You must be careful not to take more than the allowed amount for both of these. Also, with paracetamol, do eat something with it, even if it's just a biscuit, otherwise it can make you feel queasy.
they are both very effective. it is a matter of personal choice. it depends on which you get better results from. one may be more effective on you than the other. consult your doctor. there may be other medications that better suits your condition.
Ibuprofen overdose?
Earlier around 11am I took four 200mg which equals up to 800mg of Ibuprofen because I had a headache. I totally forgot I did so when I got off of work I took three Vicodin for my back which are 500mg a piece which equals to 1500. So 1500 plus 800 is 2300. What's going to happen? I know I took more than I should of but I totally forgot and now I'm getting panicky. I hope I don't have a heart attack or anything. Help! Any doctors or pharmacist out thereeeeee?
hi, i'm gay too. you will be fine cause the 800mg of ibuprophen and the vicodin are 2 different types of pain relievers. you didn't take to much tylenol which is in the vicodin and 800mg of the ibuprophen is the presciption dose. the 500mg dose in the vicodin is how much tylenol is in the pill, not the hydrocodone. the amount of hydrocodone is the first number before the /500 which is usually a 5 or a 10.
don't panic. you didn't take too much or enough to hurt you physically.
call Poison Control
Call poison control 800-222-1222. They're really nice and they'll know how serious it is.
Good luck!
You might get sick. But you really need to watch your liver, that is why there is a limit on the IB. Call the advice nurse at you hospital or poisin control and ask what you should do. The back of the bottle may have a phone number.
well, I take 1600mg for arthritis, and I weigh 170lbs, so I guess that it really just depends on your body weight. If anything I think that it will make you drowsy, but you may vomit. Nothing too serious. But if colors start to change and objects start to shake, you may want to call 911.
It all depends on your body, but to be safe i'd take some charcoal caps, and call poison controll.
If you can make yourself vomit that would help too, the charcoal will help absorb any toxins, but still call!
It's after 11 PM here, so you should be OK. Dosages are usually based on weight, and Vicodin is a different drug entirely than Motrin.
You took 800 of one drug, and 1500 of another.
Relax, but...DON'T DO IT AGAIN!
like nurse neely said you took 800 mg of ibuprofen but the vicodin you took does not contain ibuprofen but Tylenol. 1500 mg of Tylenol is a rather high dose but not more than the daily max which is no greather than 4000mg per 24 hours. Don't freak out or anything. no reason to.
hi, i'm gay too. you will be fine cause the 800mg of ibuprophen and the vicodin are 2 different types of pain relievers. you didn't take to much tylenol which is in the vicodin and 800mg of the ibuprophen is the presciption dose. the 500mg dose in the vicodin is how much tylenol is in the pill, not the hydrocodone. the amount of hydrocodone is the first number before the /500 which is usually a 5 or a 10.
don't panic. you didn't take too much or enough to hurt you physically.
call Poison Control
Call poison control 800-222-1222. They're really nice and they'll know how serious it is.
Good luck!
You might get sick. But you really need to watch your liver, that is why there is a limit on the IB. Call the advice nurse at you hospital or poisin control and ask what you should do. The back of the bottle may have a phone number.
well, I take 1600mg for arthritis, and I weigh 170lbs, so I guess that it really just depends on your body weight. If anything I think that it will make you drowsy, but you may vomit. Nothing too serious. But if colors start to change and objects start to shake, you may want to call 911.
It all depends on your body, but to be safe i'd take some charcoal caps, and call poison controll.
If you can make yourself vomit that would help too, the charcoal will help absorb any toxins, but still call!
It's after 11 PM here, so you should be OK. Dosages are usually based on weight, and Vicodin is a different drug entirely than Motrin.
You took 800 of one drug, and 1500 of another.
Relax, but...DON'T DO IT AGAIN!
like nurse neely said you took 800 mg of ibuprofen but the vicodin you took does not contain ibuprofen but Tylenol. 1500 mg of Tylenol is a rather high dose but not more than the daily max which is no greather than 4000mg per 24 hours. Don't freak out or anything. no reason to.
IBS? Hi all, ive been getting a lower right abdo pain for some time now and wondered could this be IBS?
Ive had an ultra sound scan and shows my liver and gall bladder all clear and ive had my appendix removed...I do sometimes have to pass stools after a meal and my diet is not the best, but my pain alwasy seems to be on the right lower side 90% of the time? and thoughts??Cheers Guys
Doesn't sound like IBS.
The cramp like pain is general and the problem is constipation one day and then pass it through the eye of a needle the other!
See your doctor for advice, we can only tell you our experiences. You need a reasoned medical opinion; not our hearsay.
Wish you all the best.
Coould be a kidney stone passing.
its defiantly a possibility.Best bet is to see a doctor! they are the experts. I had samples taken (blood and stomach tissue) and a camera down my throat and found out it wasn't IBS but a family condition that is very close in the symptoms
Doesn't sound like IBS.
The cramp like pain is general and the problem is constipation one day and then pass it through the eye of a needle the other!
See your doctor for advice, we can only tell you our experiences. You need a reasoned medical opinion; not our hearsay.
Wish you all the best.
Coould be a kidney stone passing.
its defiantly a possibility.Best bet is to see a doctor! they are the experts. I had samples taken (blood and stomach tissue) and a camera down my throat and found out it wasn't IBS but a family condition that is very close in the symptoms
IBS question?
I suffer with a type of IBS. Every morning I have to use the loo a minimum of 4 times as I cannot "empty" myself properly. This means I am late for work every day. The problem goes on through-out the day and I cannot be away from a toilet for more than 20 minutes without worrying. Any ideas? My doctor cannot help and my diet makes no difference.
My doctor gave me 2 types of medication one had to be taken 3 times daily and another type should things get really bad or if I was going out to take it (thankfully I have not had to use the 2nd one) Talk to your doctor again and see what they can prescribe as there are things out there. Also stressing yourself will not help it will make it worse, try and keep yourself calm and relaxed
My doctor gave me some medication to help, it was peppermint based.
Other than getting up earlier, i really think you should see another doctor.
I done a food diary to see which food upset me the most, and then i cut it out, i found cheese was the worst for me, good luck as i know it is a pain to have it.
Something peppermint based or maybe try aloe vera capsules.
I have that diagnosis and I have had to go to many doctors to get it right. First of all IBS is mind related. If you are stressed or under stress you will make you stomach constrict and that will cause the cramping. The doctor can help by prescribing meds that relax the colon and stomach muscles as well as relieve the anxiety. They Clidinium and Dicyclomine This way you can research the Meds yourself. I am dealing with this myself, and it has caused my to loose alot of weight.
The sooner you deal with it, the better your body will react. especially with these meds, I hardly go to the bathroom as much.
Also, fiber can help you, but if you 4 times a day then it wont do anything but make it worse. I suggest going to a gastroineraologist, (I may have spelled it wrong) but they go to school just for these issue and tend to have the best advice. Do not settle for one doctors opinion.
I hope this helps,
I use colpermin which helps to relieve the symptons- painful spasms. bloating with wind, constipation and or diarrhoea.I have also found that i have needed to cut dairy foods- i only drink goats milk now, and pastries and wheat, sugary and fizzy drinks and coffee.You need to identify what triggers yours then eliminate it from your diet- i have been a lot better since i have cut the above from my diet.
My doctor gave me 2 types of medication one had to be taken 3 times daily and another type should things get really bad or if I was going out to take it (thankfully I have not had to use the 2nd one) Talk to your doctor again and see what they can prescribe as there are things out there. Also stressing yourself will not help it will make it worse, try and keep yourself calm and relaxed
My doctor gave me some medication to help, it was peppermint based.
Other than getting up earlier, i really think you should see another doctor.
I done a food diary to see which food upset me the most, and then i cut it out, i found cheese was the worst for me, good luck as i know it is a pain to have it.
Something peppermint based or maybe try aloe vera capsules.
I have that diagnosis and I have had to go to many doctors to get it right. First of all IBS is mind related. If you are stressed or under stress you will make you stomach constrict and that will cause the cramping. The doctor can help by prescribing meds that relax the colon and stomach muscles as well as relieve the anxiety. They Clidinium and Dicyclomine This way you can research the Meds yourself. I am dealing with this myself, and it has caused my to loose alot of weight.
The sooner you deal with it, the better your body will react. especially with these meds, I hardly go to the bathroom as much.
Also, fiber can help you, but if you 4 times a day then it wont do anything but make it worse. I suggest going to a gastroineraologist, (I may have spelled it wrong) but they go to school just for these issue and tend to have the best advice. Do not settle for one doctors opinion.
I hope this helps,
I use colpermin which helps to relieve the symptons- painful spasms. bloating with wind, constipation and or diarrhoea.I have also found that i have needed to cut dairy foods- i only drink goats milk now, and pastries and wheat, sugary and fizzy drinks and coffee.You need to identify what triggers yours then eliminate it from your diet- i have been a lot better since i have cut the above from my diet.
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