Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If you no longer have your Gaul Bladder is that bad on your other organs?

Hmm... It will affect the normal routine of the digestive system, especially the small intestines. But, it is more important to note that it will affect the metabolism of your body especially fat metabolismYou see the gall bladder majorly functions as storage of bile. This is secreted in the small intestine through the common hepatic duct during fat digestion and absorption. Bile is composed mainly of cholesterol and salts. This bile functions in emulsification of fats to be easily digested and absorbed into the small intestine. Imagine if the gall bladder is not around, your cholesterol level will be higher than normal. Also, the small intestine will have the difficulty on doing fat diegstion and absorption. Thus your feces will be oily or with fatty droplets (steattorhea)Thus, some doctors recommend the patient who undergo cholecystectomy (surgical removal of gall bladder) to limit intake of fatty foods
Your Gall Bladder is used to store bile produced by the liver and not essential. Many many americans have this removed and feel great with no diet restrictions. A very small minority will experience steatorrhea (smelly fatty poop) occasionally but then again who doesn't! It's best to have it but as long as you don't try to put down 2 big macs and a large fry then you should be OK. The effect on other organs... none.

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