Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If ur over 46 do u get arthritus like imediatly?

Not necessarily, that is something that happens if it's going to happen, and it can happen at any time. But, it could happen.
I didn't.
You can get arthritus at any age, including childhood.
Arthritus usually comes on slow, a stiffness you feel now and then, mainly with the weather changes.
Pain and stiffness in any area that comes on quickly is a different problem, and you should talk to your doctor.
This is just the farthest from the truth. ANYONE, at ANY AGE can suffer from arthritis. I know a girl that is 13 years old and has chronic rheumetoid arthiritis. Regular joint arthritis is more common in older people, but if you drink your calcium, get adequate vitamin D, and your joints are rich in glucosamine you are less likely to develop at an earlier age.

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