Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If we work in a night shift how many hours we should sleep during the day?

and is it healthy working in night shift.......
any doctors clear my doubt or any body
You should sleep as many hours as if you worked dayshift.About 8 hrs. ought to do.It's not unhealthy to work a nightshift. It's just a matter of becoming adjusted.
u should sleep at least ten
same as you would sleep at night 7-8 hoursI am a 9-1-1 operator/radio dispatcher 7pm to 7 am.
I work 7 days every 2 weeks (and get a three day weekend every other weekend!) sweetgo to bed at 8am - and get up 3-4 pm without an alarmbest of luck!
Why would it be unhealthy to work at night versus the day? It would take a couple of days to adjust. As for the amount to sleep in the day is the same amount of hours you would sleep if you went to bed at night. If you have problems sleeping during the day, get some dark shades for your bedroom or sleep with a sleep mask on.
at least eight hours
Does not matter if you work in nightshift, but keep the cycle continous even during your holidays. Generally a person requires 6-8 hours of sleep, 6 hours of sound sleep is sufficient. I have been working in the night shifts too.
no it is ideally never healthy to work night shifts.i am speaking this from my own experience of working as a nurse. you may sleep as many hours as is your bodily requirement.but on an average 6-7 hours seem to suffice most of us.try to darken your room and sleep in a quiet area . naps during the night are not a bad idea either. cut down on too much caffiene during the nights.

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