Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If you have a huge knot on your foot and it hurts but you can still move your toes, is your foot broken?

It only hurts on the left side of my left foot.
I want to tell you that if you aren't sure if it is broken, then it probably isn't. Since you can move your toes, I also want to say that you probably bruised the bone. But since I cannot see an X ray, I also want to tell you that the best way to find out is to see a doctor and an X ray- there is a possibility of a hairline fracture. Don't put all your weight on it if it hurts is my rule of thumb. Make an appointment to see a doctor ASAP, put ice on the foot that hurts, and prop it up so that the wound is above your heart. This will help with the inflammation and the pain, also take an anti-inflammatory medicine and rest.
And, please see a doctor!
Maybe. Have a Podiatrist or MD look at it. You have to use those puppies for the rest of your life.

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